Well with Alice

Thoughts and wellbeing

Breakfast club

Breakfast club is off to a busy start! We have served over 200 pieces of toast and over 40 muffins these last 2 Wednesdays! With that in mind, we are running a little low on Strawberry Jam and Vegemite. Would you be able to donate some? Donations can be dropped off at the office. Thanks so much for your support!



Our thinking shapes the way we feel and experience life. Our beliefs determine our behaviours.


For example, if I think someone does not like me, I will perceive all their behaviours towards me through that lens. If I think a situation or person is unsafe, I will not let my guard down like I would if I thought I was safe. If I think my work needs to be perfect, I will either give up or I will work myself into the ground and still be disappointed with myself. Can you see how these negative thoughts and assumptions can stop us from fulfilling our potential?


So how can we use our thoughts to increase wellbeing?


We can choose to think positive! This does not mean that we will lie to ourselves or deny that life comes with difficult situations, but it means that we choose to have our thoughts work for us rather than against us. 



Consider the following affirmations:

  • I can face challenges and learn from them
  • I am worthy of love
  • I accept myself the way I am today
  • I focus on progress, not perfection
  • I have lots to be grateful for
  • I matter
  • I can do the things I set myself to
  • Asking for help is a sign of strength, not one of weakness

I am sure there are many more thoughts and affirmations that I could write out here, but I hope that this gives you some inspiration to answer the following questions:

  1. Where do I let my thoughts hold me back? 
  2. How can I challenge those thoughts and think more positively instead?

I trust that this thought experiment will give you some clarity.


Kind regards,

Ms. Alice Romijn

School Chaplain