
A message from Emily Murcott - Assistant Principal / Wellbeing Literacy Leader

Random Acts of Kindness Week 11 - 17th February

Last week was Random Act of Kindness Week and it was so lovely to hear so many students, staff and families taking part in the daily activities. I hope everyone was able to complete at least one or two of the acts, however just having a conversation about kindness is fantastic.


In class, video clips were shared, discussions were had and acts of kindness were received, noticed and responded to so positively. One class went all out and created coasters with positive notes and affirmations for teaching staff and spread them throughout the staff room.



A morning tea was also supplied anonymously for staff to enjoy, lifting staff spirits and bringing staff together to connect; building positive emotions.


One particular student, Lily (34S) created positive messages and left these messages around the library along with a friendship bracelet. Students who found these were so excited to find them and felt very special.


Thank you to everyone who took part. I would love to hear any further stories of kindness within our community.