
Think, Make, Improve


We've been busy over the past 2 weeks getting to know each other, building with Lego, starting to design games in Scratch Jr., and using iPads to photograph our creations and technology adventures.

Grade 1/2

In grade 1/2 we have been exploring the technologies available - developing our idea creation and design skills. We've been planning out creations, then working to make these big dreams a reality in Scratch Jr., in Minecraft and with Lego.

Grade 3/4

Grade 3/4 students have continued their personalised journeys in Technology, with Laser Cutting, 3D Printing, Woodwork, Crafts, Game Development and Virtual Reality all happening!

Grade 5/6

Grade 5/6 are becoming more and more autonomous; on-top of the most recent list of activities this week we had quite a few teams show-up serious about Rocket League with player roles, game-plans, and training plans. I can't wait to see their gameplay improve and to start some inter-class competitions.


Stay amazing!

-Mr Taylor and Sooty