Principal Report

Dear parents and carers,


Thank you to all the families that attended the welcome picnic for Preps, grade 1 and 2s, and new families. We cooked and ate a few hundred sausages and enjoyed lots of ice creams. We played different games on the oval. It was a great community wellbeing event. I hope we can host more in the future. Thank you to our teachers for attending and being so generous with their time. 


Curriculum Days

We have an upcoming curriculum day on Monday 25th March with a focus on writing through our 'seven steps to writing success' approach. This is a follow on from last year and will complete our staff professional learning in writing.

OSH Care will be available if they have enough interest in running the program. Please reach out and let them know.

We also have a curriculum day in term 2 on Friday 26th April. This will have a staff focus on wellbeing and we will be including our OSH Care team. There will be no OSH Care offered on this day. 


Emergency Management - Fire Drill 

We will be hosting a fire drill on Thursday. We will be letting staff and children know, especially the prep children. This will give us all the chance to practice and learn from any mistakes. Practice makes perfect. There will be another unannounced drill before the end of term. We will let you know after for this one. 


Acceptable Use Agreement and student lessons. 

We shared with you a number of items in Compass for you to consent to. We appreciate those that have been online and completed them. I am sure you agree this is much better for the environment than sending home paper. There is one last agreement that is for parents and children. It is the acceptable use agreement for using technology in school and at home. The parent part is on Compass. 

The student part will be completed this week in class with students. There is a PowerPoint and discussion prompts. Once the students understand our expectations, there will be a chance for them to sign their part of the agreement. This will be stored at school. In the future we will be revisiting the eSmart resources through the Alarna and Madeline foundation across our community. 

The other agreements that were shared are:

  • Grade 56 - permissions for videos
  • Student photo/Media permission 
  • Local area excursion 

Compass may say these are now closed. It is not too late to consent. If you wish to give permission, please call the office. 

It is worth noting that the movies and walks will always be communicated with you as parents. The photo permission form on Compass is for use within our community. Any photos that are not internal would also require additional permissions. 


Child safety audit 

The school is currently undertaking a child safety audit. I am pleased to say that we are in a strong position for when the auditors attend regarding our policies and practices. This is thanks to the tireless work of many people in our school including our office staff, Jenine Farley, Wendy Schilling and Helen Plunkett (as well as those prior) and the work that Elyce Munnecke has been doing in the background on our policies. A public thank you to those staff for their work, as well as ALL staff for their professionalism in ensuring that our processes in this area are followed. 



This month two policies have been updated through the education subgroup and then school council. They will be placed on our school website. The above Child Safety Reporting policy and the school Bullying Prevention Policy. Any questions regarding policies please feel free to email.


We have a few student highlights from the last week and some events coming up. 

The grade 56 students have recently attended Quantum to participate in a Science Day. This year all students will have the chance to attend. The grade 56 students also have a Gala Day this week. The specialist day for 34 and 56 will be swapped this week. 

The 56 students will also be attending the Grand Prix practice sessions in March.

All of our students will attend the House Athletics Day next Wednesday. Fingers crossed for great weather. 

If you are volunteering, you will need to attend the office prior to the day to register your details and be inducted as a volunteer. This is part of our child safe policy. 


Wishing you all the best,
