Term 1:

Wednesday 28th February -  School Photo Day

Monday 11th March - Labour Day (no school)

Monday 25th March - Curriculum Day (no students)

Thursday 28th March - Last Day of Term (1.30pm finish)

Term 2:

Monday 15th April - First Day of Term 2

Friday 26th April - Staff Professional Learning Day (no students)

Friday 28th June - Last Day of Term

Term 3:

Monday 15th July - First Day of Term 3

Monday 16th September - Staff Professional Learning Day (no students)

Friday 20th September - Last Day of Term

Term 4: 

Monday 7th October - First Day of Term 3

Monday 9th December - Staff Professional Learning Day (no students)

20th December - Last day of term, students 2pm finish


Monday 26th - 2.50pm Assembly hosted by 56P

Wednesday 28th - School Photo Day


Friday 1st - Grades 56 Summer Sports Gala Day

              - Clean Up Australia Day

Wednesday 6th - Whole School Athletics Day

                          - Division Swimming (selected students)

Tuesday 12th - Dream & Lead Conference (G6 Leaders)

Wednesday 13th - Friday 15th - NAPLAN

Monday 18th - 2.50pm Assembly hosted by 56V

Thursday 21st - 7pm School Council AGM (7.30pm SC Meeting)

                     -  Whole School Athletics Day (back up)

Friday 22nd - Working Bee

                        - Regional Swimming (selected students)

Wednday 27th - Canteen's Easter Lunch


Monday 15th - First Day of Term 2