Mr Butts' Announcements

Our 2024 Preps with their buddies at our Christmas Carols night.

End of Year Mass

Our End of Year mass was a beautiful way to give thanks for the year that we have had and reflect on how we have all grown this year. Thank you to Mrs Hicks for  organising the liturgy and all she has done this year as Religious Education Coordinator.  Also thanks to Mons Peter for celebrating the liturgy and for his presence and spiritual guidance this year.

End of Year Assembly

FIRE Carriers Announced

Our Student FIRE Carriers for 2024 were announced recently.  Congratulations to Shyanne Monshing, Willow Dean, Logan Hyland, Logan Arnold, Ella Comisso, Grace Sibio and Sydney Harrison.

Our FIRE Carriers play an important role in educating others about the importance of Reconciliation and leading events throughout the year.

Gr 6 Celebration Night

Our Gr 6  Celebration Night was a wonderful occasion and a fitting farewell to our Gr 6's. I would to sincerely like to thank our senior school staff for organising such a high class ceremony. Congratulations to the following award winners:

Gr 6 Awards

St Vinnies Scholarship

For consistently displaying Gospel Values and being an excellent role model during their schooling: Amanda Rollins

Jono Bentencourt Award

For a student who is courageous, resilient, talented and honest: Roman Monshing

Kath Feehan Awards

For Excellence in Religious Education and Catholic Identity:  Edward Nioa

Rotary Award

For someone who achieves excellent academic results in a very humble and modest fashion: Cherie Smith

Ros Nethersole Award

For being kind, caring, thoughtful and respectful individuals during their schooling at St Mary's:  

Addison Lines

PBIS Award

For a student who has consistently displayed the qualities of being Respectful, Responsible, Resilient and Safe:  Zach Hardisty

Visual Arts Award

For a student who has excelled in Visual Arts during their time at St Mary's:  Claire Harrison

Physical Education Award

For a student who has excelled in Physical Education during their time at St Mary's: 

Nico Vigliaturo

Performing Arts Award

For a student who has excelled in Performing Arts during their time at St Mary's:  

Erin McKenzie

Spirit of St Mary's

Sponsored by the Golden Oldies.  For showing initiative and offering their help where they see a need:  Louise Garcia

School Council AGM

Our School Council AGM took place on Tuesday 5th December.  The following members were accepted for 2023:

Council Chair Person: Kylie Glover

Secretary: Fiona Nioa

Parent Representatives:  Dominic Mandaradoni, Michael DeMaria, Ryan Armstrong and Barry McCrae

School Representatives: Anthony Butts,  Ann Margaret Carroll and Gary Woodward.

Parish Representative: Mons Peter


I would like to sincerely thank our school council members for giving up their time to assist me with making decisions and the direction of the school. I would particularly like to thank Michael Emmanuelli who is finishing his time in the group.  Mick has been on the council for 8 years and during that time he has been of great assistance with a variety of aspects especially around buildings and grounds projects. Thanks Mick.

End of Year Reports

Semester 2 Reports are available on our online Parent Access Module (PAM).  Please take the time to read through the reports and discuss goals for 2024.  Thank you to the teachers who have spent many hours compiling the reports.  Please contact the office if you have any difficulties accessing the reports.

Farewell Miss Calder

It was announced last week that Miss Calder has taken up a position at St Mel's Shepparton this year. Lauren is a dedicated and highly talented teacher who has worked both as a classroom teacher and curriculum coordinator since she began at St Mary's 5 years ago. She was the first person in the Sandhurst diocese certified as a highly accomplished teacher, which was a wonderful achievement.  Thank you Lauren for your contribution at St Mary's and we wish you all the very best for the future.

2024 Staff Structure

Please see below for next year's staff structure.  I am very excited to welcome Carmel Hutchison & Jodi Cox (from St Mel's Shepparton) who will be teaching in the Gr 3/4 unit.  We also have two Learning Support Staff beginning next year, Sunny Alessi (LSO) and Kobe Issell (trainee).

Christmas Raffle

Thank you to our P&F committee for organising this years Christmas raffle and the wider school community for donating gifts for the hampers. The raffle raised approximately $1100 for the school.  Congratulations to those who won one of the prizes!


Merry Christmas

I hope you all have a safe, happy and holy Christmas with your families.  Enjoy the Summer break and I look forward to seeing you all in the new year.

Mr Butts' Christmas Jokes!

What do you call Santa when he stops moving?

Santa Pause!


Why are elves so positive?

Because they are full of elf confidence!


Anthony Butts



Be Good to people and the world will be good to you.