Assistant Principal's 


Ms Fiona Scullion

Assistant Principal 

Welcome parents and families to the 2024 school year!

I hope every family at St Francis Xavier had a happy and holy Christmas and a restful holiday. It has been fantastic to see that your children have come back to school with happy faces and inquiring minds and the classrooms are very calm and settled.  A few important reminders.


The children are to be congratulated for returning to school wearing the correct uniform. All children with long hair are reminded that hair should be tied back at all times. Please make sure that all items, including lunch boxes and drink bottles, are labelled to avoid misplaced items.

School Hours and Supervision

School supervision begins at 8.20 am, when the school gates are opened in the morning. Teachers supervise students until 3.30pm each day. Thank you to parents for supporting us in staying off the playground until the bell time. When dropping students off, please take careful note of the parking notices and crossing areas around our school. Your child’s safety and the safety of all our students is paramount. We have received some concerns from local residents as well as parents that they have witnessed parents illegally dropping students off in driveways and on the crossing. We all need to work together to do the right thing to prevent any accidents or dangerous situations involving our precious students and their families. 

Arriving Late to School

The morning  bell rings at 8.50 am. Any child arriving after our morning assembly has concluded needs to be accompanied by a parent to the office and signed in on the Compass iPad. This is important to ensure that the students are marked present and their attendance is correct.

Classroom Teachers

Your child’s classroom teacher is your first point of call regarding any issues pertaining to your child. Please send all emails or correspondence to our school office and not directly to the classroom teacher. 

School office - 97979923

School email -

Mr Anderson and I can also be contacted through this email and phone number if you would like to speak to either of us regarding any matter. 

Child Protection Meetings

Any parent wishing to assist on class excursions or school events needs to complete the child protection course. This is a Sydney Catholic Schools requirement and must be completed at the start of each new school year. Due to the importance of safeguarding our children, all sessions must now be completed face-to-face. Thank you to the parents who have already attended one of the 2 sessions already offered. A third session will take place this Friday (16 February) at 9am in the Merici Hall.