Deputy Principal Staff and Students Report
It has been a joy to welcome our students back to school and a big welcome back also to our Parents, Guardians and Carers. We hope you have had a great break and wish everyone all the best for 2024. The year has started well at school and there has been a very positive and excited feeling within the community as we begin the new year with all its hope and opportunities. It has been great to see the new Year 7 students make such a good start and we especially welcome all the new families to our community.
In 2024 the school has the theme of "Let your light shine'. We are mindful that every person in our community is a beautiful unique masterpiece of God’s creative work with so many gifts, talents and potential. When we are united with God, the source of all goodness and light, our light shines strongly for others and we discover, develop and nurture the gift we have received. We pray this year all our students may become more aware of the amazing masterpiece they are, and grow and develop their many gifts to shine their light more and more for others, and also for the glory of God. We look forward to seeing our students discover, grow and shine their light in 2024.
On Monday, 5 February 2024 the students gathered together to be welcomed back and to hear clearly our goals and expectations for 2024. At the end of last year we, as a staff, reflected on, and hard to improve the learning culture at Nazareth. Respect for others and the learning environment were two key points discussed as they needed addressing from our reflection on 2023. As we continue our partnership with families we need to be working together and supporting each other. Please know that our College rules and expectations are for the benefit of the whole community as well as the growth and development of each individual. If we need to correct students or give consequences for behaviour it is for this reason. Please contact the staff at the College if there are any issues or questions, mindful that our starting point is the growth of each student.
A part of our focus from the start of the year has been uniform and working to be consistent with our expectations. It becomes difficult for students when there are different rules for different students. Students are expected to abide by the College expectations for uniform, hair, make-up, jewellery etc as per the Student Organiser. In exceptional circumstances an exemption may be considered with a parental meeting and clear agreed parameters articulated. Please be aware that exemptions make it very difficult for other students, the student who is being treated differently and the staff trying to enforce the exemption. Hence when students sign up to Nazareth it is understood the families agree to all the expectations we have of our students. Again, if there are concerns or questions please contact the relevant staff members to discuss.
Car Park
This year our student numbers have again increased by over 60 students. We have seen the impact of this already with the car parking and traffic congestion in the morning and afternoon. To avoid the congestion and for safety we encourage families to make a meeting point in one of the side streets around the College and for pick up and also use this for drop off. We also have the supervised School Crossing out the front of the College for student safety. Parents/Guardians/Carers please encourage your children to use the supervised School Crossing if needing to cross Manning Drive.
Upcoming Events
As always the start to the year is busy and there are a number of upcoming events in the calendar. Please see below a few upcoming dates:
- Monday 12 February – Wednesday 14 February 2024 (inclusive): Year 7 Swimming Program.
- Wednesday 14 February 2024, 8.40 am-9.10 am: Ash Wednesday Prayer Services in Homeroom.
- Wednesday 14 February to Friday 16 February 2024 (inclusive) Year 9 Camp.
- Tuesday 27 February 2024, 1.30 pm finish for all students. Open Night for new prospective families. Current families are welcome to attend.
- Thursday 29 February 2024: 9.45 am. Opening of the School Year Mass and blessing of the new buildings.
We look forward to working with you this year. Please feel most welcome to be in touch should there be any concerns or questions, including anything happening in your child’s life that may be impacting their learning or wellbeing, so we can be aware and do whatever we can to support your child. We look forward to working together to make the light of our students shine even more brightly in 2024.
God Bless.
Mr Justin Duckett
Deputy Principal Staff and Students