Principal's Report

Dear Parents/Guardians and friends of Nazareth 


Welcome back to the 2024 school year.


This year our ‘theme’ centres around (Matthew 5:16)


‘Let your light shine before others’


So that they can see your good works and give glory to your father in heaven


In very simple terms we encourage everyone to utilize their talents for the betterment of others.  We want to inspire everyone to be the light that shines before others.  To ensure we help those less privileged, those in need and those that may have lost their way. This theme encapsulates what we aspire to be as Nazarenes.


A special welcome to all our new students and families.  We have 180 students new to Year 7, 10 new students from Year 8-12 and 10 new international students.  Our students have started off very well with clear expectations and emphasis on learning. Together, we can make a huge difference in guiding our students to achieve at their very best.


This year we have 21 new staff members, ranging from Teaching, Learning Support and Administrative duties.  This number will accommodate the increase that comes with our current enrolment numbers.  We currently have 900 students and it is expected that this will peak in 2025 at 980 students.  Over the coming editions our new staff will write an introductory piece to introduce themselves.


To assist our growing numbers, we have introduced new roles to assist our students and families in both their learning and wellbeing. They are highlighted below:


Year 7-9 Middle School Coordinator – Mr Christopher Brown

Year 10-12 Senior Studies Coordinator – Ms Marjoleine Dekker

Year 7-9 Student Management Coordinator – Mrs Deirdre Hughes

Year 10-12 Student Management Coordinator – Mr Victor Brusco


These new roles have been introduced to assist our Heads of House and Instructional Leaders in overseeing learning and wellbeing across the school.


As in previous years, with many new students and families joining us, please be patient when collecting and dropping off your children.  Please ensure you follow all road rules and abide by the parking signs in the surrounding streets as they are patrolled by Council parking officers who can issue on the spot fines.  I also urge you not to park across any of the neighbouring driveways as this is against the law and also creates tension between the school and our neighbouring properties.


On Thursday 29 February 2024 our new buildings – Hospitality Centre, Multi Media room, Maker Space and Auditorium Lift will be officially opened by Eden Foster MP Member for Mulgrave and blessed by The Most Reverend Anthony J Ireland Auxiliary Bishop of Melbourne.  This will be a celebration of years of planning and building and will provide all our students and families excellent learning facilities for the future.


Over the Christmas term break the College underwent some further works and has created an outdoor learning area in the form of an Amphitheatre.  We were fortunate to receive a $25,000.00 grant from the State Government Covid Shade Program.  We are now delighted to have this, another area for our students to enjoy.


In conclusion, I urge our families to work in unity with the College, as together we can make a difference in educating our Nazarene Community.


God bless.


Mr Sam Cosentino
