Careers News
2023 Year 12 students Destinations
Congratulations to the Year 12 students from 2023 for taking the first exciting step towards their futures and receiving outstanding post school destinations.
The numbers looked like this – Of the 99 students -
- 80 chose to go onto further study
- 9 are already working full time
- 1 only chose to take up an apprenticeship
- 1 joined the Defence Forces
- 6 had an unknown destination.
There will be five rounds of offers this year with the final round being announced on 22 February. This is when we will have the definitive picture of the Class of 2023 Destinations.
Monash University was again the highest recipient of our students, followed closely by RMIT and then Swinburne.
The most popular industry for our students’ further study (at either University or TAFE) was the Health sector. This was followed by Engineering, and Science had a big increase in interest.
I wish all our past Year 12s a happy, healthy and rewarding future no matter what they chose to do.
Our Year 11 and 12 students studying VET as part of their VCE or VCE VM are starting up this week or next. We have a range of students who will be undertaking a variety of courses such as Small Business, Events, Plumbing, Horticulture, Automotive, Beauty, Allied Health, Early Childhood and many more. Students are going to many RTOs (Registered Training Organisations) one afternoon per week including Chisholm, Swinburne, Holmesglen, Box Hill Institute and Skillinvest. This is a great opportunity to learn in an adult environment, fostering independence and confidence.
We wish them well in these studies.
Year 10 Careers Education and Work Experience
Nazareth College is pleased to announce a new Careers Education program that will help prepare students for the world beyond compulsory education. The program includes how to choose subjects, find work, write resumes and be prepared for job interviews. As a part of the program, all Year 10 students will undertake a one week work placement of their choice during the last week of Term 2 (24 28 June). Students are being introduced to the work experience program this week in their Career Education class where they will receive an information handbook, along with the legal documents that will need to be signed by all parties including the student and parents/guardians.
The due date to hand in their paperwork is the end of Term 1 (25 March.)
This is not far away so I urge all Year 10s to get cracking and get asking. Don’t be put off by “knock backs”, that is part of the whole experience - after all, as adults we have not always received the first job we have applied for. Caregivers, please encourage your child to find a job placement themselves – it is a really important part of the program. Perhaps suggesting that they use family networks by asking relatives or friends to take them on. Why not try your sports coach or church group? Please note though that students are not to work with their parents or at their regular part time job.
Remember – the longer you leave it, the quicker places fill up.
New Careers Team Member
Theresa Lochery has joined the team in the Joseph Centre. Here’s a little bit about her:
I’m so excited to be a part of the Careers Team at Nazareth College. I hope my enthusiasm to help students find their pathway to success in whatever form it takes can be utilised. You never know where education will take you. I went to school in Dandenong, travelled and taught overseas, lectured at university, volunteered for Vinnies, coached badminton, soccer, hockey and table tennis ending with a school senior
championship table tennis team last year. The little girl from Dandenong didn’t think that was all going to happen! It’s lovely to be close to where I grew up (a regular at “Wavo” back in the day and saw the Mighty Magpies at VFL park). I’m looking forward to helping Nazareth students see that this is a great place to begin an exciting journey that can lead you to where you want to be.
Theresa Lochery
I am looking forward to working with our students this year to focus on creating a positive year to create an inspiring future.
Mrs Elena Flodstrom
Careers and Pathways Coordinator