Denise's Message

Dear Families,


We hope this message finds you well and rested after a wonderful break. As we embark on a new year, we want to extend a warm welcome back to all our students and their families.

The start of the school year is always an exciting time, filled with opportunities for growth, learning, and success. We are thrilled to have our students back in the classrooms, eager to engage in new challenges and discoveries.

Our dedicated team of educators are committed to providing a safe, supportive and enriching environment for your children. We believe that collaboration between school and home is essential for a student's success, and we encourage open communication throughout the year.

We have exciting plans and activities lined up, designed to inspire and motivate our students to reach their full potential. From academic achievements to extracurricular opportunities, we are here to support and guide each student on their unique educational journey.

Please feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions, concerns, or if there's anything we can do to enhance your child's educational experience. We value your partnership and look forward to working together to make this school year a rewarding and memorable one.

Here's to a successful and fulfilling year ahead!


School Times

8.30am School gates and staff on duty 

8.45am Children enter classrooms

8.50am All gates locked


3.15pm School gates open

3.25pm Children dismissed and staff on duty

3.40pm All gates locked


The importance of children arriving at school on time extends beyond just punctuality; it plays a crucial role in their academic and personal development. Arriving on time is important and greatly assists in your child establishing a routine, maximising learning opportunities, achieving academic success, learning to be responsible and promoting positive social and emotional development. 

Families who continue to arrive late will be asked to attend a meeting with me.


Early Dismissal

A reminder that children will not be dismissed from class between 3pm - 3.25pm

We ask that you organise your children's appointments for after-school hours but if this is not possible you will need to notify the office and collect them before 3pm.


Bikes and Scooters

Children are welcome to ride bikes or scooters to school and are asked to enter via the Flemington Rd entrance. A reminder that children are required to wear a helmet and I encourage them to bring a bike lock to secure their bikes. 



Our first whole school assembly is on Wednesday 7th Feb, 2.45pm in the school hall. All families are welcome.


Term 1 Dates

A full Term 1 school calendar will be shared with families in next week's full newsletter.

Here are a couple of dates you can place into your calendar now.

Thursday 8th Feb: Beginning of School Year Liturgy, School Yard, 2.45pm

Saturday 10th Feb: Lunar New Year

Wednesday 14th Feb: Ash Wednesday,  Yr 3-6 Mass 10am, Yr 1-2 Liturgy 12pm

Thursday 15th Feb: Parent/Teacher/Child Introductory Chats 

Yr 1-6: 12pm - 6.30pm

Tuesday 19th March: Open Day, Prep 2025 enrolments open


Denise Hussey



'The most simple thing I can do is to be good today but better tomorrow'

Catherine McAuley - Mercy Sisters Foundress



All students attending St Michael's Primary School have the right to feel safe. The care, safety and wellbeing of children and young people is a fundamental responsibility of all within our school.