News & Information

2024 Lego Competition
We are excited to share with our community the winners of this year’s Lego Competition. There were so many amazing entries – and the judges had the extremely difficult task of choosing this year’s winners.
Congratulations to all who entered! We were blown away with your creativity and attention to detail.
Years 5/6
Honourable Mention for Year 5/6 category is Swinging Ship at a Theme Park by Fergus Rowlings 6G
Hon Mention - Trouble at Hollybank by Eden Young 5G
Year 5/6 winner is Off-Road Adventure by Eliza Morgan 5G
Years 3/4
Hon mention for Year ¾ category- Emily Street 4G with Tsunami City.
Hon Men- Big Watermelon by Adelaide van Ryn 4R
Year ¾ winner- Nike Kicks by Eloise Hallam 3R
Years 1/2
Honourable Mention in this category is The Australian Bushfire by
Story Pitt 2R
The WINNER of this category is The Architect by Elin Park 2G
Hon mention for Superhero Headquarters by Henry Scheibler PG
The Kinder - Prep Winner and our OVERALL WINNER is The Redback Spider by Chester Dingemanse PR.
Japanese Students Homestay
LCS are excited to welcome students who have arrived from Japan to complete a homestay with our families.
It is great to also welcome Colin, who runs the SpeakUp English School. Colin is one of our alumni students, and he attended LCS thirty years ago. It was fun to retrieve some yearbooks out of the archives, and for students to be able to see pictures of their teacher here at LCS when he was their age.
Students are enjoying settling into their new classrooms and meeting their classmates and teachers. We pray that our new friends enjoy their time with us in Tasmania!
CEN New Teacher Induction Course
Last week, we were blessed to hold a Christian Education National - CEN New Teacher Induction Course here at Launceston Christian School.
It was lovely to collaborate with and welcome educators from Newstead Christian School and Devonport Christian School to this PD on Christian Education. The course was led by our alumni Principal and current CEN Tasmanian SEO, Adrian Bosker.
Hosting and participating in intentional PD is valuable, as Christian Education is not just about a Christian way of understanding, it's also about a Christian way of living. It informs, invites and inspires young people to live lives serving God.
School Holiday Office Hours
The school office will be open Monday to Thursday from 10am to 3pm during the school holidays. It will NOT be open on Fridays.
Secondary School Lunchtime Activities
Drama Club for Years 5 and 6
Parent Orbit = Parent Lounge App OUT NOW
We would like to remind families that we have now launched our new Parent Lounge app= Parent Orbit.
Please remove 'The LCS Hub' app (see below) from your devices and replace them with Parent Orbit.Please note that The LCS Hub app will shortly be inaccessible. The Hub is now accessible via the Parent Orbit app.
We are excited to announce that LCS has launched Parent Orbit, our new mobile app that has been designed specifically for our parent community to enhance communication and streamline access to important updates and resources. Parent Orbit, is Parent Lounge, but in a mobile-friendly, easy-to-use app. It replaces our existing app, so once you have Parent Orbit installed on your phone, you can delete our old app. The Parent Orbit app is now ready for you to download and use! To download the app:
- Go to: OR scan the QR code above. You’ll be directed to the Apple or Google store.
- Click the Install button. After the app is installed, our school will be loaded as an account. If prompted to enter a school code, our school code is LCS
- Click on our school’s name then tap the login button.
- Enter your parent account credentials for TheHub/Parent Lounge into the login screen.
- When prompted, Allow Parent Orbit to send you notifications
If you have any questions, please email
Outside School Hours Care - LCS Campus
In partnership with Hope Discovery, we are delighted to offer Launceston Christian School families after school care in 2024.
We understand the pressures and demands families face as they schedule work commitments around schooling.
Hope Discovery is taking enrolments to host after school hours care on LCS premises now, and sessions will begin on Monday the 5th of February, 3.15-6pm, for LCS students aged 4-12.Contact or call 03 6343 4614 for information about pricing and to enrol students. Details in the attached flier.
Parking @ LCS
Please make yourself familiar with our policy above, but here are some key details around parking @ LCS:
- The turning circle cannot be used for any dropping off or picking up of students before or after school.
- At all times, West Tamar Highway or Windsor Park must be used for the purpose of picking students up from and dropping them off for school.
My Christian School
Our students go into the world with Christian hope in their hearts. A new generation of Aussies who love to volunteer, to serve their communities and to build strong families.
At the heart of this difference is the living Christian faith of teachers and staff. People whose lives model the grace and love of Christ. However, proposals from the Australian Law Reform Commission threaten to change this. Hiring a teacher or staff member at a Christian school because they are actually a Christian may soon be seen as discrimination.
My Christian School is for Australians who believe in this difference.
Together, we can preserve this precious difference for future generations.
Subscribe to show your support and stay informed:
2024 Fee Schedule
Uniform Shop Term Hours
Monday to Friday
8:30 am - 9:30 am
1:30 pm - 3:30 pm
Please note: During Term 1 holidays the Uniform Shop will be open in the first week of school holidays by appointment only.
If you have any inquiries regarding uniforms, or need to make an appointment, please get in touch with our Uniform Coordinator: Anne Rixon, at 0400573902
A REMINDER: LCS Uniform Policy - Shoes
Designated sports shoes only
LCS Volunteer Application Form
At LCS, we believe in the importance of fostering a positive, supportive community. We believe that parents and community members are essential partners in achieving this goal, and we would like to invite you to consider volunteering at LCS. We welcome your involvement if you have a specific skill or talent to share or simply want to lend a helping hand.
If you are interested in volunteering, please fill out the form below and return it to the Office/email it to together with the required documentation.
Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to seeing you.