Stem & Kitchen Garden


This week students continued their investigations into living things. Foundation classes have been looking at ‘social’ insects such as ants and bees.


 Years one and two graduated to the online version of Scratch on laptops.




Years three and four studied animal classifications in particular the marsupials and monotremes native to Australia.


 Years five and six investigated microorganisms where they set up an experiment with bread to see if different conditions produced more, less or a different type of mould. They then examined the result with magnifiers. The samples of work are from a Year one and Foundation student.


Kitchen Garden

Continuing their exploration of legumes, our Grade 1 & 2 students have been busy improving their culinary skills in the Kitchen Garden Program. Last week, their creativity soared as they whipped up Pea and Potato Samosas, mastering the art of pastry folding and filling.

This week, the aroma of spices fills the air as they dive into the world of lentils, crafting a hearty lentil burgers. With each stir of the pot, they embrace the rich flavours and textures, learning the magic of slow-cooked comfort food.


Beyond the kitchen, these young gardeners are nurturing more than just their culinary creations. They've taken on the responsibility of caring for the school gardens, watering plants, and planting seedlings.


Stay tuned as our Grade 1 & 2 students continue to blossom in both the kitchen and the garden, cultivating a love for healthy eating and sustainable living.



-Vicki, STEM

-Julian & Asha, Kitchen Garden