News and Excursions

what has been happening around JMSS

VCE Extended Investigation


The VCE Extended Information class attended the Top Talks 2024 event at the State Library of Victoria on March 1. They heard presentations from four top students from last year about their own research investigations. Students gained valuable insights into how to improve their VCE outcomes and boost their confidence about what they themselves can achieve in the year ahead.


~ Tuan Le




Year 10 Aquatic Fieldwork Science

Jock Marshall Reserve workshop 


Students conducted field work at Jock Marshall Reserve (February 22), located on the Monash University Clayton campus, to analyse and assess the abiotic and biotic indicators of water system health. They used nets to sweep the JMR lake and then returned to the lab to identify the specimens, including aquatic invertebrates and vertebrates. Students also analysed a sample of water collected at the JMR for a range of chemicals including nitrogen and phosphate.


~ Tuan Le






Visit to AquaCore facility at Monash University


Students visited the AquaCore labs on Monash University Clayton on 19/02/2024 to learn about their research on sharks, axolotls, and various fish - as well as how the aquaria are maintained and monitored. Students also collected water samples from different ponds on campus and tested the samples for several chemical indicators.


~ Tuan Le