School Captains Address

Rafael Choi, Crystal Hui, Seojin Hwang & Isabella Young

Hey everyone!


Can’t believe that it’s already near the end of Term 1! We hope that you all have been enjoying the school term so far, especially for the Yr 12s who have recently had their Formal. We’d like to share a few updates with you from the past few weeks!


International Women’s Day Assembly:


On Friday the 8th of March, we celebrated International Women’s Day, where students shared their support through the ‘Inspire Inclusion Pose’ (as part of this year’s campaign theme). When we inspire others to understand and value women's inclusion, we forge a better world. 


International Women's Day is observed as an opportunity to spread the message of gender equality and to build a better society free of gender bias. The day honours female-identifying individuals from all backgrounds and tackles topics such as gender equality, violence and abuse against women, and reproductive rights.


Students also took part by wearing purple, white and green coloured ribbons on their blazers. For International Women’s Day; purple represents justice, dignity, and loyalty to the cause; green represents hope; while white symbolises purity.




MHS Exchange:



The final part of the John Monash and Melbourne High School leadership exchange recently took place on Thursday the 14th of March. Nine Melbourne High School Student Representative Council (SRC) members joined us to observe and learn about our leadership structure, electoral processes and various uniquely John Monash events (i.e. Lip Sync).


During the exchange, the Melbourne High students observed a routine parliament session discussing house point structure and diploma points. They were then taken on a tour around John Monash and learnt more about how it operates, gaining insight into our team teaching system and diverse range of Year 10 electives. The exchange ended with a discussion regarding school spirit and general well-being at John Monash in addition to useful feedback on how to improve engagement and awareness of student-run initiatives. 


The exchange was a great success and an amazing opportunity to network with like-minded students. We hope it will continue into future years and strengthen the connections between our school communities. 


Melbourne Secondary Youth Leadership Conference



On the 13th of March, we as well as George (our school’s wellbeing coordinator) had an unforgettable experience at the State Youth Leadership Conference. Hosted by Youth Leadership Academy Australia, many secondary schools from all across Melbourne got together to connect, learn and grow as young leaders together. 



The Youth Leadership Conference aims to equip students and future leaders with the skills and confidence to be change-makers within their respective schools and communities and to prepare individuals for a future in leadership. 


Speakers of the day consisted of Will Massara (CEO of Youth Leadership Academy Australia), Amanda Marshall (Host and Head of Communication), Bonnie Ryan-Rowe (Host); Trent Dennis-Lane, and Sky Hughes. 


For more information, you can find YLAA at @YLAAUSTRALIA and @WILMASSARA on instagram. 

Otherwise at:



Thank you for checking out our section of the newsletter (whether you’ve read it in detail or skimmed through the pretty pictures)! Please enjoy the upcoming holidays, have plenty of rest (whether that be through sleeping in every day or working on your hobbies, etc.) and be ready for Term 2!


Kind Regards,

Isabella Young, Rafael Choi, Seojin Hwang & Crystal Hui

(Your School Captains)