Andrew Chisholm

Assistant Principal

Dear Parents and Students,


With the end of the 9-week Term 1 upon us, students and parents have been receiving multiple types of feedback regarding student progress in all their subjects. Hopefully the progress reports, Canvas assessment feedback and participation in teacher, parent, student conferences this week has shed some light on how your student is faring in their subjects and whether the routines being developed so far this year are appropriate to achieve academic results to their potential. 

With the term 1 holidays approaching, a reflection on the feedback received is essential. It is also important that any suggestions made by teachers as to how to improve aspects of performance such as work habits and the application of key knowledge and skills are promptly acted upon. This may involve follow-up work over the holidays and the creation of revision folders particularly at year 11 and 12 levels. 


Term 2


Term 2 is 11 weeks long and in 2024 we are reinstituting the SAC/exam period towards the end of the term to consolidate and finalise end of semester assessments at all year levels. This assessment period starts the day after the Kings Birthday public holiday and continues into the next week where the GAT is scheduled on Tuesday 18th June. The GAT is an important and compulsory assessment for all students completing a year 12 subject this year. 


The start of term 2 will be a busy time at JMSS. The JMSS athletics sports, Anzac Day assembly, regional exchange #1, JMSS Open Night (done virtually again this year on May 1st) all occur early in the term. The day after the ANZAC day public holiday (Friday 26th April) will be a professional learning day for all JMSS staff. No students will be required to be at school on this day unless students need to catch up on assessments in Year 11 and Year 12 subjects. 


A quick reminder for our current Year 10’s that they need to really get moving find their work experience placement for the last week of Term 2 if they have not done so already. We do encourage students to find a science-related work opportunity for the last week of Term 2. Any enquiries can be directed to Kirstine Carter or Erin Veldsman our at school who manage our Pathways programs.


Have a wonderful Easter break!


Andrew Chisholm

Assistant Principal