Office News 

Financial Planner | Incursions and Excursions 

This planner has been created as a guide only in assisting families plan for likely extra curricular activities in 2024. Please find attached an updated 2024 planner. 


Please swing by the office is you would like a printed copy for your fridge etc.  

Upcoming Permissions |  The Who, What , Where & When. 

Group / Class Event/Activity NamePaymentDue By
Various Classes

 Life Education Van - Week 9


Monday 25th March56A, 34N, 12S

Tuesday 26th March34B, 56P, 12K


$18Friday 22 March 

Permissions coming home Week  8 




Ecolinc - Bacchus MarshNil

Tuesday 16 April 

(Day 2 Term 2)

Japanese Day

Whole School - All Day Event 

Term 3 . 


Opens end of Term 1

Closes end of Term 2

Payment Options on Permission Slips |                        How do I pay? 

After trialing the new Sentral Pay system, it is the schools preference that families pay via B'Pay. Your Biller Code and Reference are the same as you have used previously to pay DSPS.

Other payment options include: 


Payment Options in SENTRAL

School Preference






$150.00  Government funding







|Sentral Pay|

Credit or Debit Card









| BPay | 






"School Account"

| Payment Plans|

via B'Pay



Can I pay a lump sum? 

Yes !  Pay via B'Pay. 


Your account would then go into Credit. Funds can be 'clipped away at' as extra curricular permissions slips are sent home. 


When extra curricular permissions are sent home, choose Option 4 | School Account.

I Applied for CSEF funding, what happens next?  

We have submitted all current CSEF applications to the online portal.

We are unsure when funds will arrive into the schools account but will let families know when that occurs. 

Until then, when you receive a SENTRAL Permissions that requires Payment, please continue to select CSEF Payment.  Once funding arrives, we can back date your activities/excursions.