Ryan’s Rambling 

Message from the Principal 

Dear Parents, Grandparents & Friends,


The weather has cooled significantly and the leaves are beginning to drop. There may be a few slightly warmer days ahead, but the weather is certainly heading in the direction of Autumn. 

Our Grade 3 and 5 students have now completed half of their NAPLAN testing. We were certainly very proud of how our students channelled their Growth Mindsets throughout the sometimes stressful testing situations. As one student kindly and wisely said “Just try your best, because your best is perfect to me.” 

Our Easter Raffle is fast approaching! Thank you to the many people who have kindly donated Easter related goodies to the school. Our Junior School Council leaders spent an afternoon asking some of our local businesses for donations. All of which were incredibly kind to us at Dana Street. This was a great opportunity for our students to be seen showing great leadership in our community.  If you are able to, our Junior School Council would love some more donations, please. 

Our School Council elections have closed and I am pleased to announce the following members have been duly elected for the next two years. 

Terry Natt

Chris Allen 

Brooke Sands 

Charlotte King 

Kumuda Simpson

Kelly Kosloff

Kellie Healy

Our School Council AGM will be held on Monday of next week. 

I would like to extend my greatest appreciation to Thuy Burns, who has sat diligently and supportively on Council for the last few years. She has made a wonderful contribution to the important governance of our school. 

Finally, I hope that you enjoy this weekend with your loved ones. Only two weeks left until the end of term! 


Ryan 😊


“Supervision time begins at 8:30am and finishes at 3:45pm. Where possible, we appreciate you understanding that our staff are busy in the mornings preparing for the day. Students will not be actively supervised outside of these times”