Learning Community

Youth Leadership Dream and Lead Conference
In Week 7 the student leaders went on a trip to the city for the Youth Leadership Dream and Lead Conference. Everyone was excited to learn how to be a better leader. Once we got to the conference we were hyped up ready to learn. We had a chance to meet student leaders from all across Melbourne, there were over 1200 students present!
Throughout the day we met different speakers and role models who taught us how to be confident and resilient leaders. They talked about their experiences in becoming a leader and how they overcame challenges along the way. We also learned about different leadership styles and problem solving strategies. We were really inspired and learned that even though we are kids, we too can create change!
We loved how we could connect with other student leaders from different schools. We encouraged each other to become better leaders and have thought about how our learning can be connected to our school roles. We will apply this new learning to our student leader projects in Term 2. We can’t wait to share what we’re doing next with you!
Thank you,
Leyla Olcucu and Sara Hashish
Harmony Week
For Harmony Week, we did lots of activities with the RHPS community. One activity we did was each class received an orange strip of paper during Selin’s and Michelle’s class. On that strip of paper, people decorated it in the theme of harmony. We connected all the class chains during our Harmony Week assembly and walked them around the gym. The whole school paper chain was then displayed in the office foyer.
During Harmony Week, we had a Harmony Day door competition. Each class decorated a door in their classroom with the theme of harmony. The winners were announced during the assembly. JSC visited each class and selected the winning door. Congratulations to Libby’s class for having the best harmony-themed door in the school.
JSC also had a Harmony Week colouring contest. We were impressed with the quality and number of entries. The winners received a certificate and a zooper dooper.
Chris Youhana (Green House Vice-Captain) and Badia (JSC)
Canine Comprehension – Term 1 Report
This term, selected students from the Middle Community participated in the Canine Comprehension program. The dog therapy sessions assist students in building confidence and developing their social skills. Some of the groups have been working hard to write poems about owning the pet of their dreams. The children enjoyed creating and decorating their poems. In term 2, selected students in the Senior Community will participate in the Canine Comprehension program.