Invigor8 Education Program

Invigor8 Education Program
At Wollert Secondary College, we have connected with the Y-Whittlesea for a select group of our Year 8 Students to be a part of a supported, practical program called Invigor8ing Education. Throughout this semester-based program our students will gain valuable experience in work readiness, responsibility, confidence, communication, teamwork and problem solving.
Our students have completed half a term of their work experience program at either Mill Park Leisure Centre in the Community Stream or Melbourne Polytechnic in the Trade Stream.
Our Community Stream Students are currently learning lifeguard skills, swim teaching, customer service and food preparation skills. Here are some highlights of Term 1 -
Maya - “I learnt 3 important lifeguard signals to use in the pool deck”.
Ilyas - “I learnt how to cook popcorn chicken and food handling skills”.
Deborah - “I enjoyed to communicating with the members of the community”.
Jack - “I enjoyed learning about the lifeguard signals and their role. I like this program because it is an opportunity for me to experience work and ideas for the future.”
Our Trade Stream Students are currently learning painting and decorating skills and will commence carpentry in Term 2. Here are some highlights of Term 1 -
Aqeel - “I enjoyed painting and learning how to sketch using the lightbox”
Ebony - “I like how I have been able to sketch my own design and I am enjoying painting as it is fun”.
We look forward to Term 2 in the Invigor8 Education Program, and our students showcasing their skills.
Kind Regards,
Isabella Azzopardi
Careers and Pathways Leader