Assistant Principal Report

As always, we have hit the ground running in Term 1! We not only welcomed our new student cohort, but also a large number of new staff. It has been wonderful to see how everyone has settled into the Wollert family, and how helpful everyone has been to each other during this transition period. The Year 7 BBQ was a particular success, with many families joining us on the night.
From a Teaching & Learning perspective, Year 7s have engaged successfully in NAPLAN. We have also had our first round of Progress Reports and 3 Way Conferences, with students and families receiving valuable feedback about learning progress and future goals. We are excited to congratulate our students who have successfully been invited into the High Ability Program; they will participate in special online classes in Term 2, which will extend their learning.
We have been busy sporting people too, with the Athletics Carnival a fabulous example of participation, trying new things, and incredible support. Congratulations to all students for their excellent efforts, and to Tarwin as the successful winner of the Athletics Cup! Our sporting prowess has been backed up by several teams enthusiastically participating in interschool sports, ably supported by Mr Cavanagh and Mr Bogoievski.
It was wonderful to once again celebrate the diversity of our community with Harmony Day. Students dressed in cultural dress or orange, and enjoyed special incursions - an Italian performance for the year 8s, and an African Drumming workshop for Year 7s. At lunchtime, many students joined us for a cultural karaoke dance party, while others got hands on in a craft workshop run by Gardening Club.
Year 7 camp at Phillip Island was highly successful, with 49 students and 7 staff in attendance. Student enjoyed an active program, including visiting a number of natural and tourist attractions around the island. At this early stage of the year, this was a great opportunity to strengthen bonds between students, and with staff.
Wishing our families a restful break, before Term 2.
Naomi Maes, Kim Gomez and Peter Olah
Assistant Principals