School Council 2024

The 2024 School Council AGM was held on 25th March 2024. Anthony De Castella was elected President, Drew Rudland as Vice President and Warwick Hansen as Treasurer. 


Below are photos of our 2024 School Council Members. 

Please feel free to chat to any of them if you see them around the School. 


Office Bearers:

President - Anthony De Castella
Vice President- Drew Rudland
Treasurer- Warwick Hansen
President - Anthony De Castella
Vice President- Drew Rudland
Treasurer- Warwick Hansen

School Council Members:

Melissa Gaunt
Maurice Leung
Shirlee Chan
Ryan Mallia
Chrisanthy Carman
Chris Pantlin
Melissa Gaunt
Maurice Leung
Shirlee Chan
Ryan Mallia
Chrisanthy Carman
Chris Pantlin


Staff Members:

Andrew Cock
Marianne Fusillo
Skye Thornton
Wendy Bennett
Daniel Liebrich
Kirsten Goss
Andrew Cock
Marianne Fusillo
Skye Thornton
Wendy Bennett
Daniel Liebrich
Kirsten Goss