New Enterprise Bargaining Agreement 

It is hard to believe that the current Victorian Government Schools Agreement (VGSA 2022) is due to expire on 31 December 2025 with the APF commencing preparation and planning for the new EBA process. 


The APF bargaining team has been determined and throughout next term, we will commence a series of consultations with our membership base to determine key issues, concerns and priorities.  This stage of the process will involve surveys and forums in order to gather input from members. Information regarding forums will be published via the newsletter before the end of term and will commence early in Term 2.


At the last APF VIC State Council meeting, we engaged in robust discussion focussing on the current agreement – the pressure points, refinements needed, considerations for inclusion in the next agreement. These points will form the foundations for engagement and consultation with members. 


Following the consultation process, a draft log of claims will be developed and made available for member comments and feedback. 


The APF Bargaining team comprises of: 


Tina King               APF President- Victorian Branch


Wendy Powson    APF Vice President VIC Branch

                                  Principal Lilydale HS


Andrew Cock       Treasurer – VIC Branch              

                                  Principal Blackburn PS


Aaron Smith          APF VIC State Councillor          

                                  Principal Packenham SC


Michael Jones       APF VIC State Councillor         

                                   Principal Coatesville PS