Last week, the year 4-6 students competed in an interschool sport round robin day. The students played cricket, kickball, T ball and tennis, led by the grade 5 and 6 leaders. Everyone tried their hardest, put in lots of effort and were incredible sports to the other teams/ schools. I'm proud of all the efforts that went into the day and the lead up to the day. Lots of fun was had by staff and students and was a successful day for Weeden Heights.
Students in the junior school have been learning about the properties of various objects. They have enjoyed exploring the classroom and outside environment and experimenting with objects to decide if they are rigid, squishy, bendy or stretchy.
FRENCH CLUB: Our two French captains, Jasmine and Bella, are doing a fabulous job! They have already organised two club sessions: a drawing activity (Paris sign) and a movie ('Madeline and the soccer team'). Well done girls!
Prep/1: At the start of each French lesson, the students practise speaking with puppets. This week, we focused on asking and answering the question 'Comment t'appelles-tu?' (What's your name?) - 'Je m'appelle...' (My name is...).
Grade 2:To start our new topic of vocabulary (shops), we studied the link between some French and English words. This is an exercise that we do regularly and that helps the students memorise the spelling of the words (both in English and French!).
Grades 3/4: The students have completed Marie Curie's family tree. They demonstrated that they could use the possessive adjective 'her' and that they understood the difference between the three possible translations of 'her' (son, sa, ses).
Grades 5/6: The students are learning the three steps to conjugate a French 'ER' verb in the present tense:
Write down the list of pronouns in the right order (Jasmine on the first photo).
Find the stem of the verb and write it after each pronoun (Jasmine).
Add the endings at the end of the stem, in the right order : e, es, e, ons, ez, ent (Immy and Mack)