1/2 M TERM 1

What an amazing term we've had in 1/2M.
Last week we enjoyed the lessons we learned through Harmony Day about wanting everyone to be feeling safe, included and respected. We talked about being 'bucket fillers'. This means to be people who act and speak in a way that make others and ourselves feel good and give positivity as a gift to those around us.
Our 1/2 class family has learned about how to reach for our personal best by practising lots of different skills to improve reading, writing and maths. Our fluency pairs allow us to practise reading using punctuation, pace and expression to help comprehend the text we read. In writing we are creating information reports about Australian animals learning to label diagrams, write facts about the questions such as What habitat does it live in?
In Spelling we have been focusing on the digraph of 'oa' words and revising other sounds we have learned this term.
In maths we are working on addition strategies such as doubles, partitioning and making 10 to help add numbers. Holy Week has also had us thinking about the importance of Jesus in the Christian faith. We have learned about the bible stories that retell the last days of Jesus on Earth and how joyous and special Easter Day is to all Christians around the world.
We've really enjoyed the Easter Egg hunt and raffle that kicked started our 'Holy Week' celebration. Thanks to our amazing 'Parents and Friends' who organised this. It was such an awesome day! Have a great Easter everyone.🐰🐰🐰