Harmony Day was a celebration of the diversity we have at SJV. Many of our students wore cultural dress or orange and all our students celebrated by completing activities throughout the day.
The classes read the book 'Mixed' by Arree Chung and had powerful discussions about diversity and inclusion. They then created their own images about dots.
The also listened to an Indonesian fable 'Semangka Emas' teaching us about the consequences of treating others without respect. We all need to be responsible for our actions. The students reflected on the fable together.
Through 'Bullying No Way' website the students read the story Have You Filled a Bucket Today? by Carol McCloud and David Messing. As a class they discussed and brainstormed the phrases ‘Bucket-Filler’ and ‘Bucket-Dipper’ actions in F-2 .
In Years 3-6 they read and discuss the picture storybook Kindness Grows by Britta Teckentrup.
They discussed - What is bullying?
What is cyberbullying?
In small groups, or as a class they came up with a definition of bullying and cyberbullying.
They also watched and discussed one of the following clips - Bullying is Never OK! or Bullying is NEVER OK!
What should you do if you see bullying or cyberbullying occurring?
What is a bystander?
What is an upstander?
What are some ways to be an upstander both offline and online?
Kinnect2 Dance spent the day with us teaching each level the same dance and at the end of the day we all danced together. It was a wonderful way to end the day. We thank many of our parents and families for joining us to watch the parade and dance 'Stand up for your Colours'.
Harmony Day Prayer
Dear Lord,
who loves and delights in all people,
we stand in awe before you,
knowing that the spark of life within each person here at SJV is the spark of you give to each of us .
Differences among cultures and races are celebrated at SJV so may our hearts and minds be open to celebrate similarities and differences among our students , teachers and families.
May we only promote understanding, justice, and love.
May we commit to action to promote harmony and joy.
May we learn to understand our classmates
May all peoples live in peace!
I feel safe and accepted as me at SJV