Principal Post

Dear Families,
It's amazing to think that we have come to the end of our first term here at St John Vianneys. A very busy and productive nine weeks. For me, it has gone very quickly. I thank everyone; students, staff and parents for the efforts and contributions across the term. Well done in particularly to our Foundation students and others who only began their time with us this year.
I look forward to partnering with you and embracing all that our second term places before us!
Early Finish TOMORROW
Do not forget we have an early finish tomorrow - Thursday 28th March at 1pm.
This is the end of term 1. Please be punctual.
Term 2 begins on Monday the 15th April at 8:45am. Remember next term students can begin to wear winter uniform. There is a transition period in case the weather is still warm. Hats are not compulsory but if the weather is warm you can still wear your hat summer uniform.
Holy Week
I hope that everyone is able to enter into the Holy Week ceremonies across the coming days. It is an important time within the Catholic tradition. On Holy Thursday we gather as imperfect people around the table to reflect on Jesus' extraordinary giving of himself amidst betrayal and denial, fear and tension. On Good Friday we have opportunity to listen to the remarkable story of Jesus meeting his death with courage, love and resolution. It gives us chance to reflect on our own struggles and in our own way stand with the oppressed and disadvantaged in our time. Thank goodness the story doesn't finish there as we gather to celebrate the Risen Lord on Easter Sunday. A joyous celebration reminding us to 'go out' to our families and our communities to live life to the full, to spread this good news of welcome, compassion, and kindness culminating with a joyous Easer celebration on Sunday. May we experience the love and joy that the Risen Lord promises us all! Happy Easter!!
Holy Week...The Way of the Cross
All Families are also invited to join on
Thursday 28th March at 9.00am
for an end of term liturgy 'The Way of the Cross' located in the church.
All Mini Vinnies and SRC are asked to wear black clothing as they will be involved in the liturgy. Mr Rooney has sent home information to these families.
Please refer also to the 'Parish Ceremonies' in the Parish News.
Harmony Day
We thank all our students for sharing their stories and participating in celebrating our diversity at SJV. Please take a look at the Harmony Day page to rejoice in our celebrations.
Harmony Day Video link:
Primary Principals Conference
Last Wednesday - Friday I was privileged to join other Catholic Schools Principals across Victoria. The Conference theme was Lead with Strength. Our Key note speakers included amongst others, Ashley Fell (Social Researcher from McCrindle), Craig Foster (Soccer Player and Human Rights Activist), Saroo Brierley (Lion), Jelena Dockic (Commentator and Tennis Player), Mitch Tambo (Singer/ Songwriter) and Deborah Patterson (past Government Primary School Principal). Hearing these peoples stories and messages was truly inspirational and no doubt will continue to assist us in our leadership roles here at school.
Pizza with the Principal
The 'Pizza with the Principal' is on tonight 6pm - 7.30pm. We look forward to seeing all our Foundation families. Pizza orders have gone through and we have organised Kelly Sports to run some games for the Foundation students throughout the night. Foundations teachers and Leadership staff will be available on the night to answer questions and share important information with the Foundation Families.
Fete Meeting
If you would like to be on the Fete Committee or be a stall leader for the Fete, please attend the SJV Fete Meeting on -
Date - Tuesday 16 April
Time - 7.00 pm
Place - Felix Gavin Room (which is inside the church near the front foyer).
The Fete will be held in October.
If you would like to find out more please contact
Open Day Tours
For full list of Open Days please refer to 2024 Open Days Page in this edition.
If these dates do not suit, prospective families may ring to make a mutually convenient time.
Parents are our best 'Marketing Tool'. Please pass on the good news about our school.
2025 Sibling Enrolments
If you have a child starting school next year (2025) please ensure that you have -
- Completed and returned the enrolment forms.
We want all 2025 siblings to be enrolled and in the database system by tomorrow! This assists us with our planning. Once we receive your enrolment form we will arrange a meeting early next term to discuss your child and build a family and learning profile.
Easter Raffle and Easter Hunt -Thank you
We raised over $4000!!!
We congratulate all the families who won an amazing raffle prize and to the students who won extra eggs.
The P&F organised Easter Hunt held on Monday was an exciting way to finish our term.
I thank all families for their generosity in donating eggs and raffle prizes.
I thank our P&F for their generosity of TIME & TALENT in ensuring such a wonderful event. We thank them for all their ongoing support.
Please read P&F page for more details about our winners.
Royal Children's Hospital Fundraiser - thank you
The Lollies in a Jar made $75.70 for the Royal Children's Hospital. This is yet another example of the strong sense of Social Justice our students have.
The winners were Esther 3/4C
Felicia 3/4N, Alec 5/6J and Elly 3/4L.
Congratulations to our winners and thank you for your donations! !
Parent Guide for enrolling in Government Schools
Enrolling in Catholic Secondary Schools
Grade 5 should l enrol for Year 7. Please ensure you have looked at the secondary school website that you wish to attend and fill in enrolment details.
No school on ANZAC DAY Thursday the 25th April or Friday 26th of April - Closure Day.
This Week, last week to donate to Project Compassion (Caritas) for Easter via the link:
SJV Parish
Thanksgiving Mass with Archbishop Comensoli Date - Sunday April 28th
Time - 10.00 am
Friday Dinner at Freccia Azzuria Club Braeside Date - Friday May 3rd
Time - 6.30 pm
Tickets are $70 PP, Children Under 12yrs - $30, Under 2yrs - Free.
Tickets are on Sale at masses on the weekends of - 6/7 April, 13/14 April, 20/21 April.
Get your group and make a table of 10.
Payment be Cash or Credit Card accepted.
Canteen News
Please note
No Canteen - tomorrow 28th March