Mission & Religious Education News

Lenten Reflection
This will be the last eBulletin before Easter. The Mission team would like to wish everybody a wonderful Holy Week. Easter Sunday holds profound significance for Catholics as it commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ, affirming our belief in His victory over death and redemption of humanity. It symbolises hope, renewal, and the promise of eternal life, central to our faith. For Catholics, Easter Sunday is a joyous culmination of the Lenten season, marking the pinnacle of our spiritual journey and reaffirming our faith.
St Joseph’s Glen Innes - 140 years!
On the Feast of St Joseph, St Joseph’s Glen Innes celebrated 140 years of providing Catholic Education. In a beautiful mass concelebrated by Monsignor Wilkes, Father Thaddeus, and Father Richard there was a real sense of joy. The day was made even more special with the presence of Sisters Lynette, Berenice, Connie and Marea of the Sisters of St Joseph who were made to feel very special by the Principal Geoff McManus who paid homage to their contribution to Catholic education.
The Heights
The second edition of The Heights is here! It is a great joint initiative with the Diocesan Chancery and a terrific read. See it here.
Mass times and more!
With Holy Week and Easter on our doorstep, you may need to access the Diocesan website for mass times in your Parish. The website is hyperlinked here.
FAQs: Why do we have so many ceremonies at Easter?
The Easter Triduum refers to the three key days in the church’s calendar which together express the central mystery of our Christian faith, the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It begins with Holy Thursday as we focus on Jesus’ farewell words and deeds at the Last Supper. Then we ponder the events of Jesus’ suffering and death on Good Friday. The climax of the Triduum is the Easter Vigil when we celebrate the liberation of humankind through Christ's resurrection. This three part sequence of worship allows us to take in an enormous mystery in small, manageable pieces to relate to various facets of our own lives - the joys, sorrows, successes, and failures. Of all the Church’s celebrations throughout the year, the Easter Triduum is considered the highpoint.
Upcoming Important Church Calendar Days
Sat 23 Commemoration of Saint Turibius of Mongrovejo
Sun 24 Palm Sunday
Mon 25 Monday of Holy Week
Tue 26 Tuesday of Holy Week
Wed 27 Wednesday of Holy Week
Thu 28 Maundy Thursday
Fri 29 Good Friday
Sat 30 Holy Saturday
Sun 31 Easter Sunday