Around the School

Junior School Assemblies
One of the things that makes King’s College such a great school is our Junior School Assemblies. We love having class items, student of the week awards, Library and FOGO awards, worship and special speakers. It is always great fun.
Our Junior School Assemblies are held on Fridays at 2:25pm on the following dates this Term:
- April 26th
- May 3rd
- May 10th
- May 17th
- May 24th
- June 7th
- June 21st
All are welcome. We would love to see you there. Below are some photos taken at some of our recent Assemblies.
Alex Burgess
Head of Junior School
Year 1
Recently we visited the local Library. Here is a reflection from our Year 1 students on their visit:
At the Library we went for a tour. We got to walk upstairs to the very top and we could see the view of Lake Pertobe and the sea. We saw many computers and small tables and chairs for people to use. We sat on cushions and could lie down and listen to a story. We read some books and then designed the front cover of a book. We think the Library is the best place to be.
By Year 1
This week the students have been learning about ANZAC Day. After reading the story ANZAC Ted, the children completed a directed drawing activity to create their own beautiful artwork reflecting this commemoration, which is proudly on display in the classroom.
Kerry Snook
Year 1 Teacher
Year 2
We are so excited to begin Term 2 and have already had a great first week back! The Year 2's are now looking at chemical science and mixtures within our topic of 'All Mixed Up'. Students have made some predictions, had some discussions and felt the textures of different ingredients as they brainstormed what mixtures they might make, who might be making them and why they might make it.
Here's a little recap of some fun things from our last week of Term 1:
The Year 2's did a wonderful job of writing procedures, then making the item using their procedure. We made (and ate) some delicious fairy bread and jelly! Thank you to the parents who came in to help us out with these fun activities, we couldn't have done it without your support.
The Year 2's also had a blast creating some Easter crafts, and engaging in an Easter egg hunt run by the Year 6's! Thank you again, Year 6 and Mrs Robertson for making these fun activities come to life!
Alissa Griffin
Year 2 Teacher
Year 3
On the last day of Term 1, we were very lucky to visit the Warrnambool Art Gallery and visit the Maar Nation Made exhibition. We had a wonderful lesson with Woorroong/Yorta Yorta artist Sherry Johnstone who taught us about Aboriginal dot paintings and the stories that they tell. The students then got to have a go at creating their own dot drawing to tell a story. Here are some pictures from the excursion:
This excursion was a prelude to our learning about Australia this term, and this week the children have begun learning about the unique features of Australia and getting acquainted with the geography of our beautiful country.
We’ve also been strengthening our mapping skills as part of our geography, integrating our numeracy work this week and playing barrier games where we need to instruct our partner how to get from one part of a map to another.
In Christian Studies, we looked at the Bible story of the Tower of Babel and did a quick group challenge of trying to build the biggest tower possible with paper and sticky tape in just five minutes!
This week, we also took the time to wrap up our learning about “Who is Jesus?” in Christian Studies. We watched a movie about the life of Jesus and then got to chose a creative response to represent our thoughts about Jesus. We had some wonderful creations as you can see!
Ang Hales
Year 3 Teacher
Year 4
This Term in Year 4 we begin a new topic in Integrated Studies, 'What Makes Me Special', looking at identity and what makes you unique and an individual. We began our study by reading Psalm 139 as a class. We also listened to this Psalm put to music, the way King David intended when he wrote it. How incredible that we are made and known by God and that he knows more about us than we'll ever truly be able to understand! Each Year 4 student has created their own personal shield with drawings and words that symbolise what is important to them, or what helps to make up their identity. Here are some of their responses:
Nirvair - I chose table tennis, cricket, soccer and basketball because I'm a person that's into sport a lot and it means a lot to me.
Grace - I chose ballet, art, God and the beach because I love to swim and dance. It makes me happy.
Eva - I chose my family, tennis, table tennis and swimming because I love all these things and my family means a lot to me.
Elliana - I did the cross, the beach, my family and my three favourite sports. I did the cross since I love God and he's really important.
Ariella - I chose learning, singing and soup. I chose these because they're my most favourite things.
Jemimah - I chose family, a cross which means Jesus and my favourite animal.
Evelyn - I chose Jesus, books, art and family because I love them!
Gabriela - I chose family, God, foxes and nature because I love how nature is peaceful.
Germand - I chose games, emotions, autism and curiosity. I picked these four because I am a curious person and I have autism and I feel a lot of emotions sometimes.
Benjamin - I chose animals, sports, food and reading/books. I chose these because I like them all.
Will - I chose maths, basketball, speaking Spanish and my family background. These are important because they're my favourite things.
Adrian - I chose chicken nuggets, family, reading and sports because my family is important and special.
Elijah - I picked the Bible, Minecraft, soft drink and Spaghetti bolognese. These are important because I feel like I really like doing these activities.
Elise - I chose football, music, my faith and animals. I really like footy because it's a great sport to play.
Emily - I picked family, friends, games and pets because they are all important to me.
Alexander - I chose cats, spotted eagle ray, maths and reading. I chose cats because I've always loved cats and they seem to love me.
Emily Hunter
Year 4 Teacher
Year 5
Year 5 had a wonderful end to Term 1. After all our hard work, we enjoyed an excursion to Stingray Bay where we learned about our local marine life and marine conservation. This was a wonderful conclusion to the novel study we have done this Term of Blueback by Tim Winton.
We were also very fortunate to have an Easter Egg Hunt, which was put on by the Year 6 class and was a fun way to end the Term.
Naomi O'Brien
Year 5 Teacher
Year 6
Year 6 have had a great start to Term 2. We are so pumped for the Cross Country house competition. We have walked the course so we know where to run but we are especially excited to mark the course for the younger students to encourage them while they compete. We will be out there rain or shine supporting them in their efforts.
In STEM this week, we made some weird and wonderful creatures that glided up a string. In Science, we have started doing our oral presentations on our chosen animal from Australian biomes. It has been great to hear about all the different animals we have in Australia. We didn't know we had so many different and unique ones. It has been a terrific first week in Year 6.
Coral Robertson
Year 6 Teacher
Junior School Art
This week, the Year 5 students completed a large scale mixed media collaborative mural to be exhibited at the Warrnambool RSL (Returned & Services League of Australia). We at King's are honoured to have been asked to once again enter an artwork for this competition which runs each ANZAC Day, and show support for this fundamental organisation.
I'm sure you'll agree that our artwork uniquely and skillfully depicts the thankfulness we have to God and to all the Veterans, families and service people who have made sacrifices in war times over the years, in order for us to have freedom in Australia today. Each Poppy is recognised as a symbol of each soldier whose blood was shed on our behalf. As we were decorating the many Poppies on this artwork, it made us reflect on the vast quantity of this sacrifice.
Our display will be at the RSL starting this Monday and usually remains installed for a couple of weeks. Please drop in and have a look at the incredible work our Year 5's have put into this beautiful reminder for the Warrnambool community this year.
Andrea Greene
Junior School Art Teacher
Year 7 & 8 Food Tech
This week, the Year 7's made ANZAC biscuits, while the Year 8's made Jam Drops, or altered the recipe and made Cinnamon and Coconut biscuits.
Ally Robinson
Senior School Teacher