Student and Community Learning and Wellbeing

ICAS Assessments 

What is ICAS?  

ICAS is an online academic competition that gives students the opportunity to challenge theirhigher order thinking and problem-solving skills in English, Mathematics, and Digital Technologies. ICAS will be offered to students in Levels 3,4,5 and 6 at HEPS. 


Every student who participates is celebrated and recognised with a printed certificate in each subject area, and an online results report to track development each year. Top performers are eligible for one of the highly coveted ICAS medals. 


To learn more about this year’s exciting ICAS competition, visit: (


How to participate in ICAS  

If you wish for your child to participate in ICAS this year, please:  

  1. Read about ICAS subjects and prices here  
  2. Read the Privacy Collection Statement below.
  3. Read the terms and conditions here
  4. Go to the Parent Portal to sign up to chosen subject areas here (  
  5. Enter our school’s access code - VJP382
  6. Enter your child’s details, select the subject areas your child would like to participate in, then proceed to payment.  

After payment is made via the Parent Payment System, you will receive an order confirmation email, please keep this for your records.  

The last date to pay for 2024 ICAS is July 25th, 2024. 


ICAS results and certificates

All assessments will be conducted online, at school. We will notify you of the date(s) that we will run ICAS assessments, and when your child’s ICAS results are ready. Your child’s ICAS certificates will be delivered to school. Once we have received them, we will present them to your child to bring home. The back of the certificate will show your child’s ICAS results and the login details, “TAP ID and Pin”. - Use these to enter the Results Portal Privacy collection statement  The following information is aprivacy notification about how your child’s data is kept private and secure.ICAS Assessment is owned by Janison Solutions Pty Ltd (We, Us, Our).To deliver assessment products, Janison will require your child’s School to obtain your consent to provide Janison with certain personal information of students. Janison will collect, store, use, disclose and otherwise deal with such personal information in accordance with its privacy policy (below). We are aware of our responsibility to protect personal information related to children and students from being disclosed when we deliver an ICAS Assessments product. Unless you, as the child’s legal guardian consents, we will not:

  • collect any personal information or data of children other than the information we need for the successful completion of an assessment, test, or exam. 
  • transfer any personal information we obtain from a child in the delivery of assessments and tests to any jurisdiction outside of Australia. 
  • share any personal information relating to children with any third parties (except for those third parties necessary for us to carry out our Services or provide our Products e.g., medal engraving). 
  • use any personal information or data relating to children for marketing purposes. 

You can view our full privacy policy at

We may retain personal information and data relevant to a child for their future purposes or for research purposes by Janison for the duration of the school life cycle of the child. However, if you or your child at any time wish to have their personal information or data removed from our systems, they or you may opt out by simply contacting our Privacy Officer at or by contacting


We are excited to be offering ICAS to our students this year and look forward to celebrating their achievements. Please do not hesitate to contact Mrs. Holmes our High Ability Practice Leader if you have any questions.  


Kind regards,


Kim Holmes 

High Ability Practice Leader


Kinder Storytime


Kinder Storytime will begin again in Term 2 at HEPS. If you have a child that is in 3- or 4-year-old kinder and you would like to meet some new people in your community, come along to HEPS Kinder Storytime. These sessions are facilitated by one of our wonderful Foundation teachers. 


Upcoming SeminarsFree Parent Seminars Term 2 (funded by Department of Education) (Educators are welcome to attend too)


What's possible in schools?Date:(Wednesday) 22/05/2024 7.30-9.00pm

As parents of a gifted child, it can help to know what types of provisions schools could and do make for gifted children. This workshop will take you through some options for gifted programming, regardless of the sector of education your child’s school is in (government, independent, Catholic), from the classroom to external activities and competitions. The workshop will be interactive, so please bring your questions!

Try Booking Link:


School Reluctance/refusal Facilitated by Victoria Poulos, a panel discussion including a psychologist, parent and past student.

Date:(Tuesday) 28/05/2024 7.30-9.00pm

School refusal is a common struggle for gifted children which may stem from a variety of factors, including perfectionism, asynchronous development, heightened sensitivity, social anxiety and mismatched educational environments. During the session, we will hear from a psychologist, a parent and a gifted young adult and will explore the crossover between giftedness and school refusal. By examining the underlying causes, identifying early warning signs, and discussing effective strategies for prevention and intervention we can better support our young gifted students.This informative session is primarily for parents, but is equally helpful for educators and well-being coordinators

Try Booking Link:


Twice Exceptionailty Date:(Thursday) 13/06/2024  7.30-9.00pm

Parents of a twice-exceptional child, who possesses both high intellectual abilities and a learning difference or disability, often have specific concerns and questions about how to best support their child’s unique needs. If you are a parent or educator wanting to learn more about how to support your child/student, please join us for an informative discussion session. The session will include how to advocate for your child, how to balance strengths and challenges, supporting their social-emotional well-being and more.Try Booking Link:

And there's more! Opportunities for Students

2024 Peter Cowan Short Story Competition


The Peter Cowan 600 Short Story Competition was launched by PCWC in 2010 in honour of our namesake Peter Cowan (1914–2002), one of Western Australia’s most esteemed writers and academics. It is fitting that the competition celebrates short story writing as Peter published several volumes of short fiction and is well known for writing in this genre. The recipient of several major writing awards, Peter was made a Member of the Order of Australia in 1987. He was named a Western Australian State Living Treasure in 1999. 


2024 What Matters? Competition by Gough Whitlam’s lifelong commitment to involving young people in shaping Australia’s future, 20 years of this national competition has shown us that young people are deeply committed to making the change they want to see in the world. We believe that your voices are important and need to be heard in the conversations we are having as a society. Entries can be fiction, non-fiction, poetry or prose of up to 600 words, and submitted online.