Level 6

Level  6  

Welcome to Term 2. Level 6 students have had an excellent start to the term with lots of fresh smiling faces, sharing their holiday experiences and getting ready for a busy term ahead. 



During our first week back in Literacy students have been exploring various aspects of figurative language through the lens of poetry. We have looked at how similes, metaphors, hyperboles and understatements can be used to help with descriptive language in our writing. 

This week students will be exploring various forms of poetry such as haikus and limericks. Students will have the opportunity to create their own poems using the structure for each verse. 

Students have also been looking at the reading strategy of synthesising, where students identify how their thinking changes before, during and after reading a text. Students have read various short texts and looked at the meaning within the text to help gain a deeper understanding about what they have read. This can then change and develop their ideas, opinions and understanding. 

Over the next week students will be introduced to our topic of Government, what it is and how it is made. Students will use reading strategies such as summarising to further develop their understanding. 



Our Inquiry topic this term is Government. Students will be learning about all the different aspects of Government in Australia such as the 3 levels of Government - Federal, State and Local, and the different roles each level controls, how parliament works and how bills are created and passed through Parliament. 

In week 1 students have discussed what they already know about our Australian Government and created their own mind map which they will add to throughout the term, demonstrating their growing knowledge and understanding. 



In week 1 of Maths, students have been exploring Multiplication and applying this to working out Perimeter and Area. Students have used dice and playing cards as a fun way to solve multiplication equations, using and sharing various strategies to solve equations including vertical equations or the Lattice method. Students have used their knowledge of Multiplication to draw a floor plan of their choosing i.e sports field, bedroom, house, zoo etc to then work out the perimeter and area of their given space. 

In week 2 students will explore division using the strategy of short division through a variety of activities as well as solving open-ended worded problems. Students will be encouraged to explain their working out. 


Looking ahead


Thursday 25th April – ANZAC Day Public Holiday

Monday 29th April - Subway lunch

Tuesday 30th April – HEPS Cross Country