Level 4

Level  4

Welcome back to Term Two, we hope everyone enjoyed a safe and happy school holidays! In Level 4 we are incredibly excited about the term ahead, particularly our upcoming trip to Sovereign Hill for Camp!


Our Level 4 students have had a great start to term, learning all about the Gold Rush in preparation for camp. We have been investigating life on the goldfields, mining methods and more. 



We have been working on persuasive texts and learning about persuasive devices including alliteration, modality, rhetorical questions and the rule of three. We then planned and wrote a persuasive piece arguing whether books or movies are the best entertainment. Here are some of our introductions!


This week it has been all about understanding and working with fractions. This has included making our own fraction bars to support our learning, challenging our mathematical thinking, solving fraction problems and placing various fractions on a number line.


In Reading we have been getting ready for camp by diving deep into the Gold Rush, reading all about the lives of those who came to the gold fields. We looked for ‘sticky’ words that stood out for us in the text, and discussed interesting aspects of the Gold Rush such as Gold licenses, the costs of living in that time, tools and methods of gold mining, and how Aboriginal Australians might have been connected to the Gold Rush.


Here are some highlights, fun facts or comments about our first week of Term Two from some members of Level Four.


Georgia: “Gold is fascinating.”


Zahra enjoyed arguing that movies are more entertaining than books because “movies are less hard work”


Melody: “People in the gold rush used a cradle to sift through the dirt and find gold”


Burhan C “I enjoyed learning about persuasive devices, my favourite was exaggeration, it was pretty fun!”


Yasmin: “I enjoyed the getting to know you activity with Miss Cameron”


Adele “I liked learning about the Gold Rush”


Liam: “I liked learning about fractions on the number line, and learning new things about fractions!”


James enjoyed “Writing about our holidays and persuasive writing”


Tom “Being back with my friends and playing footy”


Lelio: “I’m excited about camp!”