Level 2

Level  2 

Level 2 has had an exciting start to Term 2, with students launching into a brand-new Inquiry about ethical choice making in Fairy Tales and Fables. Our Inquiry so far has had students investigating positive and negative character/personality traits and how these traits may affect the choices characters have made. Students explored this through becoming the ‘3 Little Pigs’, taking on the positive character traits of the 3 Pigs (bravery, kindness, resilience, teamwork) to build each of the 3 Pigs houses (straw, sticks and bricks). Students then took on the persona of the Big Bad Wolf and attempted to blow down the houses of other groups. 




In Reading, students have been exploring a range of fairytales and have been refining their skills in inferring, asking questions, analysing and solving words. Students have explored fairytales on Epic, read ‘Choose Your Own Adventure’ versions of classic fairytales and have explored ‘twisted’ fairytales too. They have enjoyed linking their learning in Reading to our Inquiry unit.



Students have enjoyed the creativity and freedom of writing Narrative stories this fortnight. They have explored the Ideas Trait by brainstorming a range of characters, settings and problems they could use in a narrative story. Students have loved learning about using a ‘Bold Beginning’ such as onomatopoeia (words that sound like their associated sound e.g. crash, bang, sizzle), as well as developing ideas for a ‘Mighty Middle’ and an ‘Excellent Ending’. Students have been practising their editing and revising skills, and have also enjoyed beginning to publish their narrative using Microsoft Word.



Students have been investigating Time in Maths over the last fortnight. They have explored calendars, digital and analogue clocks, have refined their skills in reading and recording time to the hour, half hour and quarter hour. We have practiced reading time to the minute on analogue clocks as well as calculated elapsed time. 


Next fortnight in Level 2:

Reading: solving words, inferring and analysing fairytales. 

Writing: Narratives

Maths: addition and subtraction