Assistant Principal - Wellness & Welfare
Carrie Chalmers
Assistant Principal - Wellness & Welfare
Carrie Chalmers
Give genuine, creative compliments to your loved ones, especially ones you know will make them feel really good. We should never become so familiar with those closest to us that we forget to notice and admire them as they deserve.
Take the initiative to do little jobs around the house without prompting, such as washing the dishes, sweeping the floor, making a cup of tea for a loved one, or making the bed with care.
Make time each day to listen to your loved ones with your undivided attention. Set aside all distractions and listen actively without judgment or interruption. This practice allows your home to become a safe haven for openness and communication.
Make special effort to notice people who need to be included and welcome them in. Nobody should feel lonely. Just imagine how you would feel if you were the one on the outer.
Write thoughtful love notes for no particular occasion, and spread them liberally.
Look up from your device, make eye contact, and say hello — it makes a world of difference. We enrich our own and each other’s lives when we care enough to greet one another and wish each other well.
Be generous with your time and energy wherever possible. Volunteer, be involved, share your resources and talents, and connect with younger and older community members alike in ways that uplift and inspire. Check local papers, community boards and websites to find ways you can bring more kindness to your local community.
Be aware of friends’ circumstances and offer your encouragement as they pursue their goals and dreams. Call simply to say hello, or just to check if they’re doing okay.
Enjoy each other's company, focus on the good things, share the positives with family and friends and stay safe on your holidays.