Principal's Desk

Dale Blythman

Half way through the school year already.....

As we bid farewell to another term, I would like to take a moment to extend my warmest wishes to you and your family for a fantastic winter two-week term break. It is a time for relaxation, rejuvenation, and spending quality moments together.


I am thrilled to celebrate the achievements of our students during this term. Their hard work, dedication, and commitment have yielded pleasing results across all year levels. It is truly remarkable to witness their growth and progress as they continue to reach new heights academically and personally. Please join me in celebrating the student's remarkable accomplishments!

I also want to acknowledge the commitment by our staff, teachers and ES, to support our students and to provide the best possible learning opportunities for all.

Raising concerns 

At Park Ridge PS, we are committed to fostering a positive and supportive environment for all our students. We understand that, from time to time, concerns may arise, and we want to ensure that these are addressed in the most effective and constructive manner.


How to Raise Concerns

If you have any concerns regarding your child’s experience at school, whether they relate to their academic progress, social interactions, or any other aspect of their school life, we encourage you to follow these steps:

Speak to Your Child’s Classroom Teacher: The first point of contact should always be your child’s classroom teacher. They are most familiar with your child’s day-to-day activities and can provide valuable insights and immediate support.

Contact School Leadership: If the issue requires further attention or if you feel it has not been resolved after speaking with the classroom teacher, please reach out to the school leadership team. They are here to support you and your child and can offer additional resources or intervention if necessary.


Important Reminder: 

Do Not Approach Other Students Directly

We kindly remind all parents and guardians not to approach other students directly regarding any concerns. It is important to maintain a respectful and professional environment for all students. Addressing another student directly can lead to misunderstandings and may not effectively resolve the issue.


Instead, please bring any concerns about other students to your child’s classroom teacher or the school leadership team. They are trained to handle such situations with sensitivity and discretion, ensuring that all students' rights and well-being are respected.


We appreciate your cooperation and understanding in following these guidelines. By working together, we can maintain a positive and supportive environment for all students at Park Ridge PS.


Being an Upstander

Last week in the newsletter, I spoke about the role of an Upstander. As the proud principal of Park Ridge, I wanted to show some of the learning our Year 2 students have undertaken in this space.


Professional Practice Days

Every year, schools, in conjunction with School Council, are in a position to provide four curriculum days per year to support staff professional development. We also have a fifth day for staff (called a Professional Practice Day) to focus on specific aspects of their work for a day - all with no students on-site. Each of these days are invaluable for the ongoing development of our knowledge of contemporary educational practices. At our School Council meeting last month, School Council approved the following date for the remainder of 2024 as student-free days. They are:

  • Wednesday, 6 November - Professional Practice Day (Report Writing)

Furthermore, our decision to again hold our Professional Practice Day after Melbourne Cup public holiday is to support those families who wish to have an extended mini-term holiday before Christmas. This was well supported and appreciated by many within our community last year.


To support where possible, TeamKids will be providing care facilities on this day as well.

Final thoughts...

As we embark on this well-deserved break, I encourage you to make the most of this time by engaging in activities that promote time together as a family, exploration, and relaxation. Let this break serve as a reminder of the importance of balancing academic growth with moments of joy, laughter, and connection.


Thank you for your ongoing support, and I look forward to welcoming our students back for an exciting and rewarding next term. See you all back at school on Monday, 15 July.


Stay safe,






Mr. Dale Blythman