Class Updates and Reminders

Messages from our Learning Levels...

Upcoming Whole School Dates




Please ensure your child does not bring any toys to school. Toys can be a distraction for students and are therefore discouraged.



Thank you for your continued support in instilling a strong homework routine for your child. The expectation is 1 lesson of Mathseeds completed a week (Sunday - Saturday). Please remember that Sunday starts the new week. 


The other homework expectation is reading 4 nights for 10-15 minutes. We check students' diaries every Friday. Please ensure each night is filled out.



Please ensure your child's iPad is being charged each night as they will not be able to complete learning activities at school if it isn't.

Year 1

Dates to Remember:

  • Tuesday 3 September: Dream City In-Visit



Please ensure your child does not bring any toys to school. Toys can be a distraction for students and are therefore discouraged



In Year 1, using iPads is integral to our student's learning. Please support your child in making sure their iPad comes to school fully charged.  We do not want any child missing out on the educational activities that involve using the devices. 

Year 2

Dates to Remember:

  • Tuesday 27 August: Craftpower In-Visit



Thank you for your continued support in instilling a strong homework routine for your child. The expectation is 1 lesson of Mathseeds completed a week (Sunday - Saturday). Please remember that Sunday starts the new week. 


The other homework expectation is reading 4 nights for 15 minutes. This is to be written in your child's diary and signed. Diaries should come to school every day.


Arrival at School

We would like to remind families that we encourage students to arrive at school at 8:45am to have time to ready themselves for their day and complete a morning work activity. Between 8:45am and 9:00am is a great time for students to complete Seesaw tasks to help them recall and apply their knowledge of concepts learnt during the term.  

Year 3

Dates to Remember:

  • Thursday 29 August: Legoland Excursion


Accelerated Reader

We are now past the halfway point of Term 3 which means students should have achieved at least 60% of their Accelerated Reader points target to be 'on track'.  To support your child, you may wish to have a conversation at home about how they are progressing towards their goal and if they require any support or encouragement to read regularly.



We use our devices regularly throughout the week for our learning. We have found over the past few weeks that many devices are coming into school with less than 20% battery which has an impact on students' ability to join in on their learning. Students should charge their device every night at home. 

Year 4

Dates to Remember:

  • Thursday 29 August: Sea Life Aquarium Excursion


Excursion to the Aquarium

The students are looking forward to continuing our learning about the world's oceans and the creatures in them when we visit the Melbourne Aquarium on Thursday. We will be leaving school at approximately 10:00am and should be back at school by lunchtime so lunch orders are okay. If you have not given consent for your child to attend on Compass, please do so ASAP.

Year 5

Dates to Remember:

  • Thursday 19 September: Basketball Gala Day @ MSAC


Homework Diaries

Keep up the fantastic work this term of signing the diaries every evening and bringing them into school on Friday. We've seen a huge improvement across the year level. We also love seeing the range of books being read at home. 


School Attendance

Please continue to support your child to arrive to school before 9am. Our soft start to the day allows students to prepare themselves for their first lessons, take AR quizzes, check in with their teacher. They have a greater chance for success! 

Year 6

Dates to Remember:

  • Wednesday 28 August: Year 6 Excursion to Scienceworks
  • Wednesday 4 September: Year 6 Excursion to IMAX and Melbourne Museum
  • Thursday 12 September: Year 6 Extreme Weather Expo



Uniform trends:

This week we completed a uniform check to ensure students are wearing the SMPS uniform correctly. We found some common trends across the cohort. At SMPS, the expectation is that all students wear black polishable shoes unless they are wearing their P.E. uniform, or the teacher has been notified of the reason for wearing alternative footwear. It is also the expectation that hair is worn up if it falls below the shoulder, with school-coloured accessories and studded earrings only. We appreciate your continued support in reminding the students about these expectations.