Deputy Principal / Religious Education 

Dear Parents and Families


We are in full swing of another busy term.   Fingers crossed Term 3 is without too many absences due to illness.   Having said that, please keep vigilant and continue to follow our safe practices of staying home if unwell, washing hands and usual hygiene practices.   


Third term is a great term for consolidation of student learning and teachers have been busy preparing units of work and assessment tasks to ensure student goals and targets are being met.  We openly encourage parents to come in and speak to their child’s teacher regarding any aspect of their children’s learning.  It’s important for parents to be active and interested in their children’s education and we love it when parents can be involved.  Teachers can’t do it alone and appreciate parental support in any way, shape, or form. 


Save the Date!!

St Mary of the Cross MacKillop Mass ~ Thursday 8th August, 12:30pm St Brendan's Church.


Grade 1/2 Zoo Excursion

I had the privilege of attending the grade 1/2 Zoo Excursion this week.  It was a great day. Our students were incredibly well mannered and this was noted by zoo staff and other members of the public.   It's always nice to get this feedback.  Our students enjoyed learning about the many different animals at the zoo and their habitats.  These experiences are what our students will fondly remember of their primary school years.  



We continue to pray for our sacramental candidates as they get closer to making their sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist in August.  Sacraments are a beautiful celebration of an ongoing journey of faith and love.   Please keep the following students and their families in your thoughts and prayers.

Christina Greco

Emerson McDowall -confirmation only

Georgia Kirby

Grace Stewart

Gretta Kelly

Harrison Few

Iyla Demase

Lily Few

Lily Niglia

Maisie Moodie

Sharlia Russell + Baptism

Tallara Russell + Baptism

Ella Jones

Kayden Ferreira

Sacraments Mass Weekend

The Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist are being celebrated on Friday 23rd, Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th August.  


The importance of Dialogue

In light of recent events in America and the division that can be caused by politics, perhaps now more than ever, it is time to be open to engaging in real dialogue that allows us to truly see the face of the other.  As we focus on celebrating the sacraments in the coming weeks we can look to the Holy Spirit to help us to be spirit filled people. At Pentecost the gift of the Spirit empowered the disciples with the gift of language, enabling them to share God’s love with the rest of the world – through the unknown other. I wonder what God’s dream for the world might look like, if we could all be filled with the Spirit and sit in dialogue with the unknown other?   Perhaps the goodwill of the Olympics will help bring people and cultures closer together?    The Olympics are a great way to teach our children to be more tolerant and to celebrate the success of all involved.   It's been wonderful to see the humility of our Aussie athletes in both success and defeat.  These are powerful teaching moments.    



In week one of this term we celebrated NAIDOC week and our students focused on the NAIDOC Theme ‘Keep the fire Burning, Blak, Loud and Proud’ in their learning.  This year's theme honored the enduring strength and vitality of First Nations culture – with fire a symbol of connection to Country, to each other, and to the rich tapestry of traditions that define Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.    


NAIDOC stands for National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee. Annually NAIDOC Week is a time to celebrate the histories, cultures and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. 


It’s important we continue to remind our students and ourselves how lucky we are to be living in a culturally diverse country and to always respect our indigenous culture past, present and future. 



Kind regards

Chris Summers

Deputy Principal ~ Catholic Identity & Wellbeing Leader


ICAS Sitting Dates

SubjectDate Backup date
Digital Technology

5th Aug


9th Aug

7th Aug 


9th Aug

12th Aug


14th Aug

20th Aug


23rd Aug
Spelling Bee

21st Aug


23rd Aug

28th Aug


30th Aug

St Brendan's Parish Bulletin 


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