Student of the Week

Week 9
Hayley L - Congratulations Hayley! You are an absolute superstar worker and should be very proud of all your efforts. I love the way you come to school each day with a bright smile, a kind and helpful heart and a ‘ready to learn’ attitude. Foundation D are very lucky to have you. Keep up the amazing work Hayley!
Rye V - For being an enthusiastic learner and supportive friend. What a star! Your willingness to learn is infectious to everyone around you. Your kind gesture to give out your own stickers to everyone for their awesome work made all your classmates smile. I am so proud of all the hard work and progress you have made with your writing. Keep up the awesome work!
Eva E - For being a sounding-out superstar, hooray! You're doing such an awesome job with your take-home readers and all your letter sounds. Keep up the fantastic work.
Luella G - Luella, you are a reading super star! You have been working so hard on your decoding skills - you should be very proud of your effort. Keep it up kiddo!
Hazel T - Hazel, I have been so impressed with the way you have started your time at Monty Primary. You have shown off your big smile every day, joined in activities, made new friends and settled into your new routines. You should be super proud of the transition you have made. Well done!
Sam T - For your amazing growth mindset, tackling his learning goals with determination and becoming a learning legend in the classroom.
Lincoln M - The extra effort in your classwork has not gone unnoticed. It has been impressive watching you challenge yourself with your addition and subtraction strategies. As well as working hard to research and plan your information report. An all-round outstanding effort. Well done!
Olive A - For your thoughtful and confident contributions to our class discussions!
Oscar D - For your continuous effort and positive attitude during all class activities. It is so lovely to see you give 100 percent energy into all that you do. Well done, Oscar!
Archie E - Archie, congratulations on a wonderful week of learning. You have approached all tasks with enthusiasm and tried your very best. Thank you for bringing such a positive energy to our classroom. Keep up the hard work, superstar!
Reuben L - Congratulations Reuben, keep up the good work!
Mia H - For your concentration and attentive listening during all lessons. 3/4M are lucky to have a role model like you in their class. Well done, Mia!
Eloise O'N - Eloise, congratulations on the 'fantastic' Mr Fox Sequel you wrote, and for creatively using elements from the original text.
Matthew McG - Matthew, you are a shining example of kindness and support, consistently looking out for everyone around you, including your buddy Oscar. Your genuine care for those around you and your positive attitude make you a great role model for all. Thank you for being such an amazing part of our community. Keep up the great work!
Hamish M - Hamish, you have grown so much as a learner this year, you continue to inspire those around you, and thoroughly deserve this your second award. Keep up the great work!
Giacomo B - From leading the school assemblies, to the outstanding immigration project you completed. Most people love a good Barbie, in 5/6S We love a good Barbieri! Keep up your sensational work, Giacomo!
Kaylee W - For your animated, hilarious and engaging project presentation about your grandma’s migration story. Kaylee, the way you presented this information was outstanding. You had the whole class engaged and laughing. Well done superstar!
Jack G - Firstly, congratulations on your willingness to ask and answer questions this week. I was really impressed that you went out of your comfort zone so many times! Secondly, your kind and friendly helpful demeanour has greatly contributed to the positive atmosphere in our class. Finally, your exceptional growth and work in MacqLit this semester has been truly impressive and we are all so proud of you.