Important Dates

Term 2
June 28 - End of Term 2 - 2.30pm dismissal
Term 3
July 15 - July 19 - NAIDOC Week/Athletics Carnival Grades 3-6
July 17 - July 19 - AFL Clinics
July 22 - Ausbike Education Grade 5/6
July 23 - Grade 5/6 Excursion to the MCG
July 24 - School Council Meeting
July 26 - Foundation 100 Days Celebration
August 2 - Olympics Green & Gold dress up day
August 5 - ICAS (Writing)
August 12 - August 16 - National Science Week
August 15 - School Parent Information Night
August 16 - Book Fair
August 19 - AFL Clinic
August 19 - ICAS (Science)
August 19 - August 23 - Book Week
August 21 - ICAS (English)/District Athletics/School Council Meeting
August 23 - Book Week dress up parade/Lily Whitney Writing Competition winners announced
August 26 - ICAS (Maths)
August 26, 28,29 & 30 - Basketball Clinics
August 30 - Father's Day assembly/morning tea
September 2, 3, 4 & 6 - Foundation to Grade 2 Swimming
September 5 - School Parent Teacher Interviews - Adjusted school day - (no students at school)
September 13 - School Movie Night - Save the Date!
September 18 - School Council Meeting
September 20 - Term 3 ends, 2:30pm dismissal/Footy dress up day
2024 Term Dates
Term 1: January 30 - March 28
Term 2: April 15 - June 28
Term 3: July 15 - September 20
Term 4: October 7 - December 20
2024 Pupil Free Days:
Adjusted school day - Parent/Teacher Interviews 5 September, Term 3 (no students at school)
Curriculum Days (no students at school)
4 November (Term 4)
13 December (Term 4)