Science & National Science Week

This week years 3/4 and 5/6 have been learning about making recycled paper. We collected wastepaper from the recycle bins and turned it into new paper. The students made the mould and deckles that are used to make the paper, and also the paper pulp. We also tried adding seeds to the paper so after it has been used it could be ‘planted’ and composted to grow new plants. There was a lot of trial and error as we perfected the process.
Elisa Cleeve
SAKG Science Teacher
National Science Week Careers Presentation
Do you work in the field of science? We’d love to hear from you
Science is a diverse and fascinating field to work in and as part of National Science Week we are looking for parents/carers/relatives to come and share their experience and expertise in the sciences with our grade 5/6 students.
We think that learning from people in their community is the perfect way to get students excited about the diversity of science and expand their understanding of what a career in science might entail.
It you can present we would require you to attend a session at school during National Science week (12th-16th August). Your presentation would need to be about 10 minutes with some Q & A after.
We are looking for 3 - 4 ‘scientists' to be involved.
If this is something you'd love to do, please get in touch with the office.