Specialists Wonga Weekly

Week 10, Term 2

Physical Education


Prep PE

This week, students will focus on mastering the fundamental movement skill of bouncing a ball. Activities will include stationary bounces and progress to bouncing while walking or jogging. This approach will build confidence and coordination as students learn to keep the ball under control while moving.


Prep Sensory

Students will participate in rotational activities with the focus of improving their core strength, balance and ability to work in a small group.


Grade 1 and 2

This week, students will focus on refining their ball-bouncing skills. They will start with stationary bounces to enhance fingertip control, then move to more dynamic exercises, such as bouncing while walking and jogging. This progression is designed to improve their overall coordination and boost their confidence as they learn to maintain precise control over the ball during movement.


Grade 3 and 4

This week, we will concentrate on mastering the field events in preparation for the upcoming Grade 3-6 Athletics Carnival next term. Our focus will be on refining the hop, step, and jump technique used in the Triple Jump.


Grade 5 and 6

This week, we will concentrate on mastering the field events in preparation for the upcoming Grade 3-6 Athletics Carnival next term. Our focus will be on refining the hop, step, and jump technique used in the Triple Jump. Students will work on perfecting each phase to enhance their performance and readiness for the event.


Performing Arts

🎵 Prep

Students are continuing to explore the difference between rhythm and beat by practising keeping a steady beat and copying rhythms with newly introduced percussion instruments. They are continuing to create their class song based on one of the Wurundjeri 7 seasons.  They will also practise the songs that they will be performing at the open afternoon with their Grade Six buddy. 


🎤 Grade 1 and 2

There are no Grade 1 and 2 Performing Arts classes this week.


🎶 Grade 3 and 4

Students are continuing to explore how their own ideas can be developed into dramatic action. They will use their understanding of the elements of drama from the term to finishing planning and scripting their own performance.  


🎭 Grade 5 and 6

Students are continuing to experiment with sharing stories in augmented reality. They will be using one of their 'Country' visual art pieces to inspire an audio story. This week, students will finish scripting their story and start recording and editing their audio.

Visual Arts


Students will be finishing off their calendar page, cutting around their autumn leaves and creating a border using their scraps. They will also be stamping Aboriginal symbols on some timber in the Prep garden to brighten up their play space.


Grade 1 and 2

There is no Art for these classes this week.


Grade 3 and 4

Student’s will finish the paint details on their Box Monster and complete the pastel picture of their construction. 


Grade 5 and 6

Students will be creating a collage using Aboriginal inspired papers to display around the school advertising our Open Afternoon next Thursday.