Catholic Identity
Religious Education Leader: Elizabeth Holligan
Reflection: June 30. Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary time Year B
The Gospel reading this Sunday reminds us we are all included in God’s love. St Anne’s College, as a school founded in and promoting the teachings of Jesus Christ, is open to all who wish to have their children educated in a Catholic Christian caring environment and who support our Catholic ethos.
Jesus Christ, in a crowded space surrounded by leaders and other important people of the time, recognised one who had been rejected by society. As a Catholic community we are to be people of welcome in a place that is welcoming to all. May Jesus Christ guide us in our daily endeavours and actions as we nurture God’s love in all we encounter.
General News:
St Anne’s Feast Day Mass
We will celebrate the feast of St Joachim and St Anne, patron saints of grandparents on Friday July 26. Our College is named after St Anne who was Our Lady Mary’s mother and the grandmother of Jesus Christ.
We invite you to join in our whole school Mass at St Mel’s Parish, Christ the King Church, 18 Hamilton Street Shepparton, commencing at 9.45 am.