Year 11 & 12

Mr Tim Hayward

Plan your holiday wisely

As we approach the much-anticipated three-week July School Holiday break, it is important to take a moment to reflect on how best to make the most of this break. While the holidays are a fantastic time to relax, unwind and spend quality time with family and friends, they also provide a unique opportunity to prepare for the challenges that lie ahead — particularly the upcoming assessments and exams at the end of the next term, for our Year 12s, and during Term Four for our Year 11s.


I encourage our students to think of the July holidays as the interval between rounds in a boxing match. Just as a boxer uses this time to catch their breath, rehydrate and listen to their coach's advice, our students too can use these weeks to recharge and get ready for the next round of your academic journey.


Relaxation: The key to rejuvenation

First and foremost, it's essential to find time to relax. Your mind and body need a break from the intense focus and hard work you've put in over the term. Engage in activities that make you happy and help you unwind. Whether it's reading a novel, hiking in nature, practicing a hobby, or simply spending time with loved ones, these moments of joy are crucial for your well-being.


Balance fun with focused preparation

However, while it's important to relax, it's equally important to keep your eye on the prize. Balancing fun with focused preparation can set you up for success when you return to school. 

Here are some strategies to ensure you're ready for the next round:


1. Set Realistic Goals

         Dedicate a few hours each week to review your notes and materials.

        Identify key areas that need improvement and set small, achievable goals for each study session.


 2. Create a Study Schedule

-              Develop a flexible study schedule that allows you to enjoy your holiday while still making time for academic preparation.

-              Incorporate short, focused study sessions followed by breaks to keep your mind fresh and engaged.


 3. Utilise Study Resources

        Use online resources, past exam papers and study guides to reinforce your understanding of challenging topics.

             Consider forming a study group with friends to share knowledge and support each other.


 4. Maintain Healthy Habits

  Ensure you're getting enough sleep, eating nutritious meals and staying physically active.

-             Healthy habits can significantly improve your concentration and overall well-being.


Stay Positive and seek support

Remember, it's normal to feel a mix of excitement and anxiety about the upcoming challenges. Stay positive and remind yourself of your strengths and accomplishments. If you feel overwhelmed, don't hesitate to seek support from teachers, family or friends.


This holiday is not just a break—it's an essential part of your journey toward success. The next round is yours for the taking!


Mr Tim Hayward

Head of Year 11 & 12