Year 7 & 8

 Ms Taryn Sephton

A Mental Growth Spurt 

Our Year 8 students are to be commended on the way in which they have embraced the concept of challenge over the past month. For some, the English presentation in front of their peers was nerve-wracking. For others, attending the recent parent-teacher interviews to discuss their learning was uncomfortable. For some, completing the Interhouse Cross Country course in Kings Park was physically demanding and for others, attending in the Year 8 camp at Jarrahfall Bush Camp in Dwellingup without their devices and other home comforts created some pre-departure anxiety.


I know that every Year 8 student will have identified at least one thing that was scary, difficult or new at some point in the last month and I am incredibly proud of the way in which they have acknowledged and embraced these feelings.

Students at St George’s are always encouraged to be open to new challenges and opportunities. While we acknowledge that the concept of challenge and change is different for everyone, experience has shown that when students make the choice to engage and therefore push the boundaries of their comfort zone, that is when they achieve the most personal growth.


Well done, Year 8s!

Year 7 Vaccinations

The Year 7 vaccinations on Tuesday ran smoothly with minor disruption to classes. If students were away on Tuesday, or if guardians had not yet returned the permission form, there will be a round of catch-up vaccinations offered later this year. 


Please keep an eye out for messages about this from Mrs Allen, our Head of School Operations.

Lost Property Reminder

Students should not be leaving their belongings on top of lockers or on the floor on Levels 2 and 3. This is leading to many lost or broken items and is a significant trip hazard. Items that are not put away in lockers will be collected each afternoon and taken to lost property on the ground floor. Please ensure everything is named for easy identification. All lockers should be secured with a school-issued lock. Every student must ensure that their lockers are securely locked at all times. A new lock can be purchased at student reception if it is required.


Hang in there!

It has been a big semester for both of our Year 7 and 8 cohorts, where significant progress and achievement has been made. Hang in there, students, and keep putting your best self forward - just two weeks to go until a well-deserved three week July School Holiday break! 


You’ve almost made it!



Ms Taryn Sephton

Head of Year 7 & 8