Heads of House

Heads of House

Gandhi House

Every term, the Heads of House organise a House Week in which students sign up to compete for House points across three different activities. In Week 7, we had our second House Week for the year and once again it was an incredible display of Gandhi spirit.


The enthusiasm of the students for these opportunities is consistently strong and I am so proud of our efforts. I am also pleased to announce that we came second overall, across the three events of Table Tennis, a Quiz Show and Mario Kart. A big thanks to Mr Vincent Lim and Mr Tom Dempers for their organisation of this event and to all the students involved. It was a very successful week.


During our House assemblies, we congratulated a senior and junior school student on their efforts within PCG or at House events with an award known as the ‘Gandhite of the Month’.


Congratulations to our ‘Gandhites’ of the Month announced at last week’s House assembly: Paige Karl and Zara Kapica

Finally, our next major event is the Interhouse Athletics Carnival. With an upgrade to the State Athletics Track this year, I look forward to painting the track red. Go Gandhi!


Ms Amy  Perejmibida

 Head of Gandhi House

Lincoln House

In Extended PCG this week, students had a fantastic opportunity to discuss advocacy and global issues - researching and discussing topics of social justice that were important to them before creating an advocacy campaign plan. Thank you to Mr McBride for creating a wonderful Service-Learning activity.


Last week, our second House Week for the year allowed students to compete against the two other Houses in competitions for House points towards the House Cup. It was a great opportunity to have some fun and celebrate our House spirit and I thank all Lincoln students who signed up and volunteered to be involved.

At the end of this term, we will be hosting the annual Lincoln Charity Day at Supreme Court Gardens.

We will once again be raising funds for Headspace and raising awareness for youth mental health.

A link for the donation page will be available soon. The event will start at lunch and will continue until the end of the day. Please look forward to food trucks and inflatables as well as games and activities to finish the term off positively.

Mr Vincent Lim

Head of Lincoln House




Mandela House

At last week’s House Week activities it was great to see so many students participating and having fun. Huge congratulations to Mandela for winning the overall House Week! We came first in the quiz and table tennis. Special mention to Kieran Low in Year 7 who was the champion of the table tennis event and Wil Moesker, our House Captain, who won the trivia, as well as Will Skinner, Team Finn and Bronte and the Year 8 girls’ team who were there for every trivia session. It was a wonderful effort by all within the House.


Last week was also the Associated and Catholic College Cross Country. All students were superb, but well done to all students of Mandela for your hard work, dedication in training and for representing your school and House so well. I know Miss Scheele (Mandela) and the PE department were very proud of you all. Congratulations to Mandela students; Mitchell Clark, Molly Hammond, Jacob White, William Skinner, Sasha Warren, Taylor Rhodes, Sophia Smith, Stella Balding, Scarlett Wallace, Asha Freeman, Alyssa Peake, Zara Moesker, Reilly Finlay, Sebastien Muniandy, Benji Yan, Cooper Wallace, Amelie McKeon and Alison White.


Well done to M2 and M8 who found the hidden Oreos for this week’s PCG Activity treasure hunt and overall winning PCG so far which is a tie of M5 and M1.


Finally, if any student from any House is interested in taking part in this year’s Mandela Charity Show at the end of Term Three, submissions have just opened. Please come and see me on Level 3 for more details.


Keep up the excellent work Mandela - we are still on top for the House Cup.


 Mr Thomas Dempers

Head of Mandela House