Let's Talk Careers

Mrs Sharan Tagore

The keys to university

If you are thinking about your child's future education and the various pathways they can take to enter university, understanding these pathways can help.  With subject selection approaching for our Year 10s, it is valuable to know the options and how to get there.

Here is an overview of the main routes into universities in WA.


1. Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) 

The most traditional, but not the most common, pathway to university is through achieving an Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR). This rank is calculated based on students' performance in their Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE) subjects. Here’s what you need to know:

WACE Subjects: Students need to complete a minimum of four ATAR courses by the end of Year 12, which are more academically rigorous and designed to prepare them for university studies.

Exams and Assessments: The ATAR is determined by school assessments and final examinations. A student’s best four scaled scores are considered to calculate their ATAR.

University Entrance Requirements: Each university and course has a minimum ATAR requirement. Students must meet or exceed this score to gain entry into their desired program.


2. Vocational Education and Training (VET) 

For students who prefer a more hands-on approach to learning, the VET pathway offers a viable alternative:

VET Certificates:  Students can complete VET qualifications such as Certificates III or IV while still in high school. These qualifications are recognised for entry into many university courses.

TAFE and University Collaboration: Many Technical and Further Education (TAFE) institutes have agreements with universities, allowing students to transition smoothly from a VET course to a related university degree. 

Flexible Learning: VET courses often include practical work experience, making this pathway suitable for students who thrive in applied learning environments.


3. Alternative Entry Pathways

Universities in Western Australia offer several alternative entry pathways for students who may not meet the traditional ATAR requirements. These options include:

Portfolio Entry: Some universities allow students to submit a portfolio showcasing their work, achievements, and extracurricular activities as part of their application.

Special Tertiary Admissions Test (STAT): Students who don’t meet the minimum English proficiency score for their chosen course at university can sit a STAT test, but there is a fee and other conditions around this. 

Bridging Courses: These are short courses designed to help students meet specific entry requirements or improve their knowledge in particular subject areas.


4. Direct Entry Programs

Certain universities offer direct entry programs that bypass standard ATAR requirements:

Access Programs: Designed to support students from disadvantaged backgrounds, these programs offer additional support and alternative entry criteria to ensure a diverse student body.

Supporting your child through the process


Stay Informed: Keep up to date with the latest university entry requirements and options. Attend information sessions and open days with your child.

Encourage Exploration: Help your child explore different fields of interest and potential career paths. Encourage them to engage in co-curricular activities that align with their passions. This includes work experience!

Seek Guidance: Book in to have a conversation with me about career pathways available and how to get there. All WA universities offer this service too and it’s free of charge.


Useful websites
TISC – the Tertiary Institutions Service Centre for Western Australia – responsible for processing school leaver university applications. They have lots of information on undergraduate courses.
Explore the different pathways WA universities have on offer at the links below:
Curtin University
Edith Cowan University 
Murdoch University
Notre Dame University
University of Western Australia 


Mrs Sharan Tagore

APEx, Careers and Curriculum Coordinator