Winter Solstice Family Event

As we hurtle through term 2 and into June, it is safe to say that winter has arrived.
Whilst the cold, short days have us all dreaming of somewhere warm and sunny, SKiPPA, our Parents' Association, are running an event to embrace and celebrate the shortest day of the year - the winter solstice.
From 4pm - 6:30pm on Thursday June 20th, our school will take over the 'new' Parks Victoria Pavilion right next to school for an evening of celebration to also mark the end of term 2 and the midpoint of our school year.
During the evening there will be;
- Lantern making and an after-dark lantern walk
- The SKiPPs orchestra performing
- Hearty, warm pumpkin soup
- A fire-twirling display
- Mulled wine for adults
All of our SKiPPS families are invited to attend and tickets cost a bargain $7.50 for children (including soup and lantern making) and $6 for adults (including soup and a cup of mulled wine) - this includes lantern making, soup and mulled wine for adults.
We look forward to getting together for a fun and social end to the term and to celebrate winter solstice in this way!
Please note that all children attending must be accompanied by a responsible adult.