Important Notices

An Adventure Awaits
This is a quick shout-out to the whole SKiPPS community to say thank you for the last 13 years, but it's time for me to move on. At the end of this term, I will be taking on an Acting Assistant Principal position at Albion North Primary School in the Western Suburbs. This is not a permanent position and is only for next semester, but it's an opportunity to find a permanent role, hopefully in the South West Network.
My journey to SKiPPS started with an interview for a teaching role—can you believe it, over Skype due to living in WA! After receiving a call 2 hours after the interview informing me I got the position, I packed up all my belongings and made the trek to Victoria. I count myself lucky every day for landing at such a spectacular school. Coming to a new state, I had so much support from students, parents, and especially the staff, who made me feel so welcome.
I have had the most amazing experience being a teacher, leading teacher, and AP at SKiPPS. I have absolutely loved SKiPPS, and leaving is one of the hardest decisions I have ever had to make. However, having the opportunity to work closer to home and develop my leadership skills at another school is an opportunity I have to take.
SKiPPS has the most amazing community, which I believe cannot be replicated anywhere else. SKiPPS is such a special school because of its creative, engaged, and kind students. Thesupportive and active parents and theAmazing, caring, and dedicated teachers.
A big thank you goes to Neil and the Leadership Team for letting me take up this opportunity, without their support I wouldn't have grown into the leader I am today.
There are so many more things I could say, but for now, thank you to everyone for making my experience at SKiPPS the most amazing one ever.
Upcoming Term dates
Students will be dismissed at 2:30pm on the last day Term 2, Friday 28th June.
Term 3 will begin on Monday 15th July.
A Curriculum Day will be held Friday 19th July, and students will not be required at school on that day.
If your child requires supervision on Friday 19th July, please Team Kids will be available for reserve a place for them with Team Kids at
New Photos
You will notice that this newsletter includes some amazing new photos of our school, our students and the great learning that takes place every day.
We recently engaged SKiPPS parent and skilled photographer Bec Walton to capture the typical day at SKiPPS - showcasing the breath and quality of what happens at school.
These will be used to update our website, in our newsletters and for other promotional purposes.
Car parking around the school
Now that winter has arrived, we have noticed an increase in the number of parents driving to and from school. In the interest of child safety, please DO NOT drive into the school grounds at any time (including before or after school) as this puts the safety of our students at risk.
SKIPPS Parking stickers are available to collect from the school office. Display the sticker on your windscreen to identify yourself as a school parent. This will mean you are not expected to display a paid parking permit during the school drop off and pick up times at the locations mentioned below.
SKIPPS parking sticker: | Valid for: | Drop off times: | Pick up times: |
Hockey Drive | 15 mins | 8:45 – 9:15am | 3:15 – 3:45pm |
Village Green Drive | 15 mins | 8:45 – 9:15am | 3:15 – 3:45pm |
Lakeside Drive | 15 mins |
| 3:15 – 3:45pm |
Car park off Fitzroy St | 10 mins | 8:00 – 9:30am | 3:00 – 5:00pm |
Supporting the learning environment
In an effort to reduce disruptions to learning during school hours, we kindly request that parents/carers do not enter the classrooms whilst in session.
All parents/carers/visitors who visit during school hours are required to report to the school office upon entering school grounds. This includes when students arrive late, are picked-up early, dropping off items of clothing/lunches/bags, etc.
The staff in the school office will contact the teacher/student on your behalf, if required.
Volunteering at SKIPPS
All volunteers at SKIPPS who will be working with children or on-site during the school day, are required by the Department of Education to have a valid Working With Children Check (WWCC).
To apply for a free Volunteer WWCC, apply online at:
Working with Children Check | (
Before your first volunteer session at SKIPPS, please ensure you present your WWCC card to the School Office for verification. Volunteers are also required to watch the following Parent Helper Induction session, available on the school website under Community, School documents, and review the Child Safe Code of Conduct Policy.
St Kilda Adventure Playground - share your thoughts on the draft design
The CoPP are now seeking feedback from the local community about the draft playground design that children helped to create. As this playground is used by many of our students, we strongly encourage you to review the plans and provide feedback on the following link:
Continuing the Adventures at St Kilda Adventure Playground | Have Your Say Port Phillip
Chess & Robotics - Term 3 bookings now open!
We have received great feedback from students about these extra-curricular programs!
To get your child involved, book a spot through Kids Unlimited now!
Tax-Deductible contributions to SKiPPS
SKiPPS operates two Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) funds which allow parents and community members to make tax-deductible donations.
As we approach the end of the tax year, we ask parents to bear us in mind if they are looking to receive the tax benefits that charitable donations can bring.
We have two funds - a School Building Fund (which is then used to maintain and upgrade our school buildings) and also a School Library Fund (which is used to build and maintain our school library). All donations would be gratefully received.
If you wish to donate please contact Nova, our Business Manager at To find out more about the tax benefits of donating to a DGR fund, please speak to your accountant.
If you have already donated, your payment receipt can be found on Compass, under the Course/Confirmation section.