A message from the Principal

School Council

As we progress through the term, I wanted to take a moment to remind you about the upcoming School Council meeting scheduled for next Wednesday night (19th June) at 6:30pm in the staffroom.


The School Council plays a pivotal role in the functioning of our school community. Comprised of dedicated parents, teachers, and community members, the Council collaborates to make decisions that shape the educational experience of our students. It serves as a forum for discussing various matters concerning school policies, facilities, and initiatives.


Our 2024 Councillors are;


  • Elisa Webb (parent of Orlo in 3/4J)
  • Hannah Liddeaux (parent of Jude in 5/6A, Dash in 3/4G and Otis and Alfie in Foundation J)
  • James Lawson (parent of Bea in 5/6MS)
  • Rowena Fitzgerald (parent of Remy in 1/2J and Saskia in Foundation J)
  • David Williams (parent of Willow 5/6A and Jack in Foundation J)
  • Claire O’Boyle (parent of Sorcha in 5/6MS)
  • Andrew Saunders (parent of Amelia in FJ and Arabella in 1/2R)
  • Kaisu Tonkyra (parent of Miia in 3/4G)
  • Karolina Kurzak (parent of Evie in 3/4G) - Karolina is our community member, representing SKiPPA
  • Michelle Bove (Assistant Principal)
  • Allison Shanahan (Garden Specialist, Foundation J teacher AND parent of Aggie in 1/2L and Freddie in 1/2R)
  • Chantel Jose (Art Teacher, Kitchen Specialist and Tutor)
  • Natalie Gallucci (Foundation N teacher)
  • Myself (Principal)

We extend a warm invitation to all parents and carers to attend this important meeting. Your presence and input are invaluable as we navigate through key decisions that impact our school's future.


Among the topics on the agenda, we will be deliberating on several crucial matters:

  • New Basketball Court: We will be discussing proposals and making decisions regarding the installation of a new basketball court using the money raised from our amazing fete.


  • 2024 NAPLAN Data: An overview of the initial 2024 NAPLAN data will be presented, providing insights into our students' academic progress and areas for improvement.


  • Outside School Hours Provider Contract: We will reflect on our current Out of Hours School Care provider and discuss the contract which expires at the end of 2024, aiming to ensure the best possible services for our students and families.


  • School Council Governance Training: A reflection on our recent governance training session will take place, reinforcing our commitment to effective governance practices.


  • Financial Reports and Policy Approval: We will examine recent financial reports and consider and approve policies related to camps, excursions, and duty of care.

Your are welcome to attend the meeting and contribute your views. As we collectively work towards the betterment of our school community.

Please mark your calendars for Wednesday night's School Council meeting. Your presence and contributions make a significant difference in shaping the educational journey of our students.


Thank you for your continued support and commitment to our school.


Warm regards,



Neil Scott
