Curriculum News, Year 5
Term 3, 2024
Curriculum News, Year 5
Term 3, 2024
We hope you had a rejuvenating break! Get ready for an amazing term ahead!
We are diving deep into our unit of Inquiry on ‘How we express ourselves’ where we investigate the power of influence and gearing up for learning about our parliamentary system in ‘How we organise ourselves’.
We have a lot of other fun activities lined up including the House Athletics Carnival, Book Week, Year 5 Wellbeing incursion, Parliament Process incursion, Student Led Conferences, School Disco and the Sandringham Secondary College school production of ‘Mary Poppins’!
It sure will be a busy and unforgettable term!
Factors within our environment can influence our perceptions and actions.
Government systems impact the citizens of a country.
This term the focus for Friday sport will be on athletic skills and events in preparation for our House Athletics Carnival as well as teamwork and sportsmanship. Further details will be provided regularly in Compass.
Weekly homework tasks will continue to be set this term reinforcing the expectations around independence, time management, organisation skills and presentation of bookwork.
Homework Club will be offered on Fridays during recess or lunch for students who choose not to complete the required tasks. We remind parents to regularly check in with their child’s progress at home and initial their child’s diary on Thursdays.
As a reminder, student homework books and diaries are to be returned to school on Fridays unless a prior arrangement has been made with your child’s classroom teacher.
During our Writers Workshop and Daily 5 Work on Writing sessions, students will be learning more about the different ways they can organise their writing through experimentation with different genres structures. They will be improving their ability to use complex sentences and add more detail in their writing.
We are making progress with reading strategies using the CAFÉ reading comprehension framework this term.
Students will continue to develop their ability to: identify implied meaning when reading; will use the skill of finding the main idea to summarise texts; determine between fact and opinion and bias and prejudice to deepen their comprehension of texts; and will be asking questions throughout the reading process to clarify their understanding.
In small groups, we will be exploring a range of mentor texts to assist student’s further comprehension, making connections and drawing conclusions from the author’s clues. Students will also be investigating non-fiction books from our school library related to the units of inquiry to locate information.
Students will expand their vocabulary through our weekly SMART Spelling focus words as well as unit of inquiry specific vocabulary. Students will be encouraged to access their dictionary, thesaurus and related online word lists to provide more interesting word choice in their writing.
Being an attentive listener is a skill we expect students to demonstrate by listening carefully and respectfully when their teachers or peers are speaking.
Students will continue to build their confidence when speaking in front of an audience as they collaborate with others in small group projects relating to our units of inquiry.
We will be introducing ‘Passion Projects’ this term as an optional activity for students who would like to further explore an area they are interested in. Students will be encouraged to informally present their project to their class to improve their public speaking skills.
This term we will continue to revise concepts in number including identifying and describing factors and multiples, investigating strategies to solve addition and subtraction of fractions with the same denominator, mathematical algorithms involving branching and repetition, multiplication and division to find unknown quantities, and comparing, ordering and representing decimals.
During our problem-solving maths lessons students will be exposed to open-ended questions requiring critical thinking to solve worded questions encompassing place value, fractions, decimals, percentages and applying the four processes.
Students will continue to make connections between multiplication and division as inverse operations and find the unknown values in numerical equations also using multiplication and division using knowledge of number properties.
Using concrete materials students will engage in hands on experiments and activities exploring units of measurement, including metric unit conversion, and will compare 12- and 24- hour time systems.
Students will collect and represent statistical data relating to our unit of inquiry ‘How we organise ourselves’, graphing numerical variables and interpreting information about our system of government. Students will also explore the mean, median, mode and range of a set of data.
In Term 3, our wellbeing program will be explored within our ‘How we express ourselves’ unit of inquiry.
Students will continue to discover gratitude, empathy and mindfulness through The Resilience Project and Cyber Safety lessons as well as discuss the impact of peer pressure and how this plays a part in influencing our decisions.
Students will also have the opportunity to participate in our Body Education incursion sessions which encourages our students to focus on the importance of respect within relationships and promotes diversity and difference.
We approach uncertainty with consideration and determination; we work independently and cooperatively to explore new ideas and innovative strategies. We are resourceful and resilient in the face of challenges and change.
We thoughtfully consider the world and our own ideas and experience. We work to understand our strengths and weaknesses in order to support our learning and personal development.
We use critical and creative thinking skills to analyse and take responsible action on complex problems. We exercise initiative in making reasoned, ethical decisions.